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Portal Icon List


This is an overview of the icons used in the portal.





Columns menu

The Columns can be configured in several ways. Columns can be added and removed and the order in which they are displayed can be changed. Check/Uncheck the checkbox to view/hide the column in the table.

See the Column Configuration document for more information on how to configure the columns in the portal view.

The blue counter badge shows the number of active columns.

Show Column
Hide Column

Check/Uncheck the checkbox to view/hide the column in the table

See the Column Configuration document for more information on how to configure the columns in the portal view.

Multi-level sorting

Multi-level Sorting

The number badge displays the order of sorting levels on the columns.
Ex. When column 1 and column 2 are selected consecutively,  the table is sorted based on column 1 first, and then column 2, within the first sort.

See the Common Settings Panel document for more information on Multi-Level Sorting.

Filter menu

Filters allow for quick limitation of viewed data to relevant entries. By applying filters in multiple columns, it is possible to narrow down a large dataset to find a particular entry or to discover any abnormalities, missing data or missing actions.

See the Filters document for more information on how to configure the filters in the portal view.

Filter counter

The number badge displays the number of filters that are applied to the table.

Clear Filter

Clears all of the filters applied to the object.

Table View

View Templates

View templates are pre-defined configurations that users can create and save within the platform to control how data is displayed and interacted with. They offer a comprehensive way to tailor the presentation of data according to individual preferences and specific needs.

See the View Templates document for more information.

Icon_table view.png

Table/Grid View

Toggle between a grid view and a detailed table view for the report library. The table view provides details about the stored reports.

See Report Library for more information.



Reset to default. Resets Filter, Columns, View Template, Asset Group and Assets. selections to default.



Opens a view with the notification sent by the Event Notification function.

Notifications are used to monitor and maintain the vulnerability management program, like knowing when the scanner is updated, when alterations are made, and when scanning occurs unsuccessfully.


Toggles the Notifications between read and unread.

All Downloads

All Downloads

Displays the list of the downloaded Reports and blueprints.

Log Out


Log out from the Portal.


Displays the Account view where you can access a list of available subscriptions as well as a list of licenses of third-party software that is embedded into the platform.

The letters in the account box varies depending on the name of the account.

See the Account document for more information on how to configure the account view the portal.


Feed/Comments tab

The Feed tab lists recent activities for the assets groups.
The Comments tab shows recent comments on the assets groups.

See Asset Groups for more information.

Add Credentials

Add Credentials

Add new credentials to your account.

In the Credentials view, the credentials that are used for authenticated scanning or scoping can be created and securely managed.

See Scan Credentials for more information.



Add a new function or object such as filters, applications, groups, credentials and so on. Some buttons have additional text attached.

Generate Report

Generate Report sets up a report either scheduled or direct to different formats like PDF, Excel, or XML and for various ways of delivery, like download, by e-mail or to the report library.

See Generate Report in the Reports document for more information.


Send Now

From the context menu, you can trigger a schedule to send a report directly by using the the Send now command.

See the Scheduled Report document for more information.

Group Tree

Scan Configuration Group

Displays the Scan Configuration Group tree toolbar.

Scan Now

Scan Now

Starts the selected scan manually, regardless of schedule or workflow.

See the Scans View document for more information.

Stop Scan

Stop Scan

Ends the selected scan manually, regardless of scheduled end.

See the Scans View document for more information.



Remove the selected item.



Edit the selected item.


Rename Asset

Rename an asset.

Assets names are auto-generated by the system and derived from underlying identifiers. The asset name is a customizable attribute and can be changed by using the Rename function in the context menu.

See the Assets document for more information.


Restores the search phrase and lists all of the columns unfiltered.



Refresh the display.

Watching/Not Watching

Toggles the watching on/off in the context menu in the Findings view to keep track of notifications for that finding.
See Vulnerabilities for more information.


Unmasks credential secrets for temporarily readability.

See Scan Credentials for more information.



Download Credentials

Downloads your certificate or your private key to a file, depending on the type of credential.

Report Library

Download a generated report from the report library to your local drive.

Download URLs

Download a list of URLs.


Click to upload a managed report to the Report Library.


Upload Certificate
Upload Access Key
Upload Private Key

Uploads Certificate, Access Key, and Private Key when creating credentials.

Request Verification

Request Verification

Add a comment and send to the OP24 technical service team requesting a verification regarding a specific finding.


Request Clarification

Request clarification of an unclear Finding from the OP24 technical service team.

Clicking the icon brings up a pop up, where a comment can be added, with the option to send or cancel the action. If the request is sent, The OP24 technical service team receive an email with the vulnerability details.


View related findings

Opens a findings view that is associated to the selected Assets.

Accept Risk
Unaccept Risk

Accept/Unaccept Risk

Accept Risk - Mark risk as an accepted

Unaccept Risk - Remove the accepted risk flag from the finding.

If a risk cannot be mitigated right away, that risk can be accepted so that it will not be picked up every time a scan runs. The risk can be accepted for a short period of time. It is customizable to what ever period of time is needed, if the risk cannot be mitigated right away.

See Asset Group and Vulnerabilities for more information.

Change Risk

Change Risk

The Change Risk function allows you to modify the risk level for a specific finding/vulnerability.

See Vulnerabilities for more information.???

Mark as fixed
Unmark as fixed

Mark/Unmark as Fixed

Change the status of finding to fixed/ not fixed.

See Vulnerabilities for more information.


Send to

Send the vulnerability information via email to a list of users or email addresses.

Mark as False Positive
Unmark as False Positive

Mark/Unmark as False Positive

Mark as False Positive - Mark finding as a false positive

Unmark as False Positive - Remove the false positive flag from the finding.

A false positive refers to a situation where a system or tool incorrectly identifies something as a problem or issue when it is not. False positives can lead to wasted resources and may require efforts to reduce their occurrence for better accuracy in automated systems and processes.

See Vulnerabilities for more information.

Mark as Exception
Unmark as Exception

Mark/Unmark as Exception

Mark as Exception - Sets the compliance finding as exception (accepted risk) until the desired date.

Unmark as Exception - Resets the compliance finding to its original status.

Security risks may be mitigated by external controls, such as firewalls or intrusion prevention systems, allowing vulnerabilities to be excluded under certain conditions.

See Vulnerabilities for more information.

Edit Tags

Common Settings include Tag Manager and Filtering options, and settings to customize the view. Filters allow for quick limitation of viewed data to relevant entries. By applying filters in multiple columns, it is possible to narrow down a large dataset to find a particular entry or to discover any abnormalities, missing data or missing actions. Tagging helps to create more custom filtering options by adding specific tags to various entities. Customize each view by adding or removing the tags and by applying filters.

See Tags for more information.

Update External Tag

The Update external tags function adds all custom attributes of Agent asset identifiers as tags on the asset, except MAC attribute.

See Tags for more information.

Download Blueprint

Download Blueprint

Generates a Blueprint if available. 

Blueprint is an encrypted collection of logs and metadata about the scanned assets. It is used for investigations performed by the Outpost24 technical service team.



Manage users is used to control who is authenticated (signed in) and authorized (has permissions) to use resources.

See Identity and Access Management (IAM) for more information.


Assign Role

Assign a role to a user.

A user role is a role by which the user is able to operate the resources they have been granted access to. A user with no roles would not have any access at all.

See Identity and Access Management (IAM) for more information.


Assign Resource Group

Assign a resource group to a user.

The resource groups assigned to a user determines the users access to the resources like assets or configurations.

See Identity and Access Management (IAM) for more information.


Edit Environment CVSS Vector

The CVSS environmental metric group captures vulnerability characteristics associated with an IT environment.

The Environmental metrics are optional and can be set to “Not defined" to not affect the score. The metrics are modifications of base metrics that assign metric values based on the placement of assets within an organization's infrastructure.

These metrics allow for tailoring the CVSS score based on the value of the affected IT asset to the organization, as measured by the presence of complementary/alternative security controls, Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.

See Edit the Asset Environmental Vectors in the Assets document.

Asset Groups & Assets filter

Assets and Asset Groups can be filtered by opening the Asset filter menu.



Comments associated to the finding. Clicking the icon opens the comments panel for the on-going comments associated to that finding. The comments icon can be found in the comments column.


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Outpost24® and OUTSCAN™ are trademarks of Outpost24® and its affiliated companies. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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