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This document describes the notification function in the portal.


To keep track of an ongoing progress of the vulnerability management program, specific events are defined to monitor and maintain a solution.

These events include:

  • Scanner updates.

  • An alteration is made.

  • Unsuccessful scans.

Accessing Notifications

To access Notifications:

  1. Click the bell Icon_Notication.png icon in the upper right corner.

  1. All notifications that the logged in user has received are displayed. The blue notification dot under the bell icon indicates the number of unread notifications.

  1. Once the user clicks on a notification it becomes marked as read.

  2. The notice can be toggled between read and unread by using the Mark as reador Mark as unread icons in the upper right corner of the highlighted notification message.

  3. All the notifications can be marked as read by using the Mark all as read function located under the tools icon.

  4. The unread notices can be filtered by toggling the Only show unread switch.

  5. Longer notices are expanded to full view by clicking See more at the bottom of the notice.

Notifications from the last 30 days are visible, with to a maximum of 500 notifications being kept in the notification history.



Mark as read

Mark as unread


Only show unread

Notification Configuration

  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. Click the green (plus) icon in the lower right corner to add a new event notification.


  3. Select a Name for the setting.

  4. Select a Trigger for the event. See Event Notification - Triggers.

  5. Select an Integration for the event. See Event Notification - Integration.

  6. Select a View Template. See View Templates.

  7. Select Users to receive the notifications.

  8. Add a Subject. You can add predefined variables from Available Variables drop down. See Event Notification - Variables.
    When starting to type the curly brackets {{ a list is displayed and filtered automatically while typing for easy access to the predefined variables. These variables are also listed under Available Variables. See Event Notification - Variables.


  9. The Content contains a default template for the selected trigger. You can customize it and add predefined variables from Available Variables drop down. The Revert to Default Template button will restore the template to default removing any customization that has been done.

  10. Click the blue ADD button to save the Notification Setting.

The Users field is only active if E-mail is selected as an integration in step 5. If Notification is selected as an integration, the setting only applies on current user/sub-user.

If the Integration is set to E-mail, the content can be toggled between Text or HTML format.

Edit Notifications Settings

  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. Select the notification setting you want to edit.

  3. Edit the content of the Notification Setting.

  4. Click the blue Save button to save.

Clone Notifications Settings

  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. To clone the Notification Setting:

    1. Right click the Notification Setting you want to duplicate and click the Clone Icon_clone.png icon in the context menu.

      Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 21.19.34.png


    2. Select the Notification Setting you want to clone by selecting the adjacent check box.
      In the toolbar at the bottom, click the Clone Icon_clone.png icon.


  1. Adjust cloning options when necessary

    Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 21.21.36.png

    Preserve tags: Keeps the tags from the selected notification settings in the cloned version.
    Disable cloned notification settings: Automatically disables the notification settings after being cloned.

  2. Click Confirm to proceed. Duplicating notification settings may take a few moments, depending on the number of settings selected and whether tags are being preserved.

Remove Notifications Settings

  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. To remove the Notification Setting:

    1. Right click the setting you want to remove and click Delete Icon_delete_red.png in the context menu or,

      Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 21.19.34.png

    2. Select the Notification Setting you want to remove by selecting the adjacent check box.
      In the toolbar at the bottom, click the bin Icon_Delete.png icon to delete.

      Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 21.17.36.png

To learn more about Notification configuration, see Notification Settings.

The Watching Column in Findings

In the Watching column in the vulnerabilities table, the user can toggle the Watching switch on and off to monitor specific findings, which will be displayed in Notifications.

Multiselecting several findings and changing the watching setting will override the current watching setting for all selected findings.




Watching On

Watching Off

The watching by itself does not do anything and needs to be associated with a Notification Setting. The watching is user-specific. 

Create a default Event subscriptions or Notification setting called Watch Finding Updates with Notification as the integration type, and the trigger set as Watched finding updated with the default Jinja template for Subjects and Content of the message.


{% if setting.originalTrigger == "FINDING_DELETED" %}A finding you are currently watching has been deleted.
{% elif setting.originalTrigger == "FINDING_MODIFIED" %}A finding you are currently watching has been modified.
{% elif setting.originalTrigger == "FINDING_STATUS_TRANSITIONED" %}A finding you are currently watching has been transitioned.
{% elif setting.originalTrigger == "FINDING_RISK_ACCEPTED_EXPIRATION" %}The acceptance period of a finding you are currently watching has expired.
{% elif setting.originalTrigger == "COMMENT_CREATED" %}A new comment has been made on a finding you are currently watching.
{% else %}An action of type: {{setting.originalTrigger }} has occured to a finding you are currently watching. {% endif %}

{% if setting.originalTrigger == "FINDING_DELETED" %}Finding "{{ }}" of asset "{{ finding.assetName }}" has been deleted.
{% elif setting.originalTrigger == "FINDING_MODIFIED" %}Finding "{{ }}" of asset "{{ finding.assetName }}" has been modified.
{% elif setting.originalTrigger == "FINDING_STATUS_TRANSITIONED" %}The status of finding "{{ }}" of asset "{{ finding.assetName }}" has been transitioned from {{ setting.from }} to {{ }}.
{% elif setting.originalTrigger == "FINDING_RISK_ACCEPTED_EXPIRATION" %}The acceptance period of finding "{{ }}" of asset "{{ finding.assetName }}" has expired.
{% elif setting.originalTrigger == "COMMENT_CREATED" %}{{ comment.createdBy }} has commented on finding "{{ }}" of asset "{{ finding.assetName }}": "{{ comment.comment }}"".
{% else %}Finding "{{ }}" of asset "{{ finding.assetName }}" has been updated.{% endif %}en

The user can modify this to their liking, and they can change the integration type from Notification to others, such as Email.


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Outpost24® and OUTSCAN™ are trademarks of Outpost24® and its affiliated companies. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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