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Downloading Agents


This document describes how to download the agents.

Downloading the Agent Installation File

To use the Outpost24 agents, an Agent subscription is required.

To download agents:

  1. Log in to OUTSCAN.

  2. Click on Main Menu > Support.

  3. Navigate to the Agents Installers tab.

  4. Select Platform, Architecture, and Package from the drop-down menus:

    1. Select Platform, for example Linux or Windows.

    2. Select Architecture, for example amd64.

    3. Select Package, for example pkg, rpm, deb or msi depending on platform.

    4. Optional: Fill in Attributes, such as Team and Asset type

  5. Click the Download button to save the agent installation file in your downloads folder.

To install the Agent, see Installing Outpost24 Agents.


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Outpost24® and OUTSCAN™ are trademarks of Outpost24® and its affiliated companies. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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