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Common Settings Panel


This document provides an overview of the Column, Filter and View templates functions for the table in the Outpost24 Portal UI. 


This document describes the Common Settings including filtering options, and settings to customize the view.

Filters allow for quick limitation of viewed data to relevant entries. By applying filters in multiple columns, it is possible to narrow down a large dataset to find a particular entry or to discover any abnormalities, missing data, or missing actions.


When looking for a particular hostname (that includes a number in domain name) in Assets view, choose Hostname in the Type column and enter that number in the Name column to narrow down the search results. Additionally, a scanner ID can be submitted to ensure a direct search result.


It is assumed that the reader has basic access to the OUTSCAN/HIAB account to access the Portal.

View Templates

Customize each view by adding or removing columns and by applying filters. Each view has a columns Icon_Column.png panel, a filter Icon_Filter.png panel, and a view templates Icon_Table_View.jpg panel.

  • Inside the column Icon_Column.png panel, a number of columns can be toggled on or off.

  • Inside the filter Icon_Filter.png panel, a number of filters can be applied or removed.

  • Inside the view templates Icon_Table_View.jpg panel, existing view templates can be browsed and new view templates can be saved.

The current view states can be saved and made to persist on your account.

The View Templates panel consists of three categories of templates:  Built-in in templates,  Grouped and Ungrouped user defined templates.  Click on a template to apply it to the table.

When using a template, the activated template is highlighted in the panel and at the bottom left of the footer of the table.


Creating a View Template

To create a new view template:

  1. Click the View templates icon to the upper right of the view.

  2. Press the blue New View Template button found at the bottom of the View templates menu.

  3. A Create new view template dialog is displayed. Type a descriptive name of what the View Template represents, for example: Critical findings.

  4. Optionally, select a group the template shall be moved to.

  5. Click the blue CREATE button to create the View Template.

When creating a view template, none of the state of the table is saved, only a default template created with the inserted name. To save the current state, follow the guidelines for Saving View Template.

Saving a View Template

To save the current state of the table, such as visible columns, their width, order, sorting, and applied filters:

  1. Click on Contextual menu.

  2. Click Save.

Built-in view templates cannot be changed. The contextual menu will only allow for setting the view template as default.

When visiting any view for the first time or after a page refresh, none of the defined view templates will automatically apply until set as default. To apply preferred view template, follow guidelines for Applying view template

Applying a View Template

To apply view template to the current table view:

  1. Access View Templates in the table.

  2. Click on View Template row.

Setting a View Template as Default

To set a View Template as default:

  1. Access View Templates in the table.

  2. Click on Contextual menu.

  3. Select Set as default.

A Default indicator is displayed next to the name of the view template to show that this is the applied default view template when visiting the view for the first time.

The default template only applies if the view has not been previously accessed and interacted with. When accessing the view through a link with filters or other parameters in the URL, the default view is not applied, making the custom URL easily shareable between users.

Unsetting a View Template as Default

To unset a View Template as default:

  1. Access View Templates in the table.

  2. Click on Contextual menu.

  3. Select Unset as default.

Renaming a View Template

To rename view template:

  1. Click on Contextual menu.

  2. Click Rename.

  3. Change the Name in the dialog.

  4. Click on the Rename button.

Built-in view templates cannot be renamed. The contextual menu option for renaming is only displayed for user defined view templates.

Ungroup a View Template

A View Template in an user defined group can be moved back to Ungrouped section.

  1. Click on Contextual menu.

  2. Click Ungroup.

  3. A confirm dialog is shown.

  4. Click on the Ungroup button.

Ungroup by Drag and Drop

There is also the alternative to ungroup the template by drag it to the Ungroup section by press and hold the drag handle to left. 


Built-in view templates cannot be ungrouped. The drag handle is only displayed for user defined view templates.

Move View Template

A View Template can be moved to a user defined group.

  1. Click on Contextual menu.

  2. Click Move.

  3. Select group to move View Template to.

  4. Click on the Move button.

Move by Drag and Drop

There is also the alternative to move the template by drag it to a group by press and hold the drag handle to left. 


Built-in view templates cannot be moved. The drag handle is only displayed for user defined view templates.

Deleting View Template

To delete a View Template:

  1. Click on Contextual menu.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. A confirm dialog is shown.

  4. Click on the Delete button.

Built-in view templates cannot be deleted. This contextual menu option is only displayed for user defined view templates.

View Template Groups

By default a user defined view template will be listed under Ungrouped. To avoid having many view templates in a long list, they can be structured in a tree of groups under the Grouped category. A group may contain other groups as well as view templates.

Creating a View Template Group

To create a new view template group:

  1. Press the + Create new group link in the the menu.

  2. A Create new group dialog is displayed. Type a descriptive name of what the View Template group represents.

  3. Optionally select another group the template shall be moved to.

  4. Click the blue CREATE button to create the group.

The group will turn up above the + Create new group link. If Move to group has been selected, the parent groups will be expanded so the created group will be visible. Max 4 levels of groups are supported

Renaming a View Template Group

To rename a view template group:

  1. Click on Contextual menu.

  2. Click Rename.

  3. Change the Name in the dialog.

  4. Click on the Rename button.

Built-in and Ungrouped view templates group cannot be renamed. The contextual menu is only displayed for user defined groups.

Move a View Template Group

A View Template group can be moved to another group.

  1. Click on Contextual menu.

  2. Click Move.

  3. Select group to move to.

  4. Click on the Move button.

Move by Drag and Drop

There is also the alternative to move the group by dragging it to another group by press and hold the drag handle to left. 


Built-in and Ungrouped view templates group cannot be move. The contextual menu and drag handle is only displayed for user defined view templates. You can not move a parent group to a child group.

Deleting a View Template Group

To delete a View Template group:

  1. Click on Contextual menu.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. A confirm dialog is shown.

  4. Click on the red Delete button.

Built-in view templates cannot be deleted. This contextual menu entry is only displayed for user defined view templates. All sub groups and related view templates will also be deleted.

Additional Features

Tagging the View Template

To tag a View Template:

  1. Select one or more View Template by checking the box to the left.

  2. The bottom toolbar is displayed.

  3. Click the edit tag Icon_Edit_Tag.png.png icon to open the tag dialog window.

  4. Fill in a new tag name or select existing tag from the drop-down list.

  5. Click Submit button to add the tag to the View Template.

For more information about tags, see Tags.

Restricting Access to a View Template

To limit access to user defined view templates follow guidelines in Identity and Access Management (IAM).

Multi-Level Sorting

Sorting can be applied to the columns. The number displayed beside the column name indicates the order of sorting. After selecting the first column, press and hold the Shift key while selecting multiple columns in the desired order.


When column 1 and column 2 are selected consecutively,  the table is sorted based on column 1 first, and then column 2, within the first sort.

Multi-Level Sorting


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Outpost24® and OUTSCAN™ are trademarks of Outpost24® and its affiliated companies. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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