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This is a overview of the Outpost24 Portal interface of Account view. 


The Account menu presents cards with preferences, user and roles management, available downloads, credentials as well as a list of third-party software licenses that is embedded into the platform.
The main functions are the IAM for user management, Downloads where the latest HIAB images and Agent versions can be retrieved and the Credentials card which you create and store scan credentials for your applications.

The Account Icon_Account.png view presents cards with the following options:



The Preferences view allows customizing the Portal.


The available options are Language and Default landing page.


The language option allows customizing the language used in the portal. The available options are: English*, French, or Japanese.
*) Default

To change the language:

  1. In the drop-down menu, select the preferred language.

  2. Click the blue SAVE button to save the change.

  3. Click BACK in the top right corner to exit the page

Default Landing Page

The default landing page is the default view that is displayed when the user logs in to the portal. 

When logged in as a user with Appliance set to true the options Assets Groups and Report Library are not available for selection.

The available options are:

  • Asset groups

  • Vulnerability findings

  • Compliance findings

  • Assets*

  • Scans

  • Report Library


To change the default landing page:

  1. Select an option from the drop-down menu to change the default landing page of the interface as per your preference.
    The available options are:

  2. Click the blue SAVE button to save the choice.

  3. Click BACK in the top right corner to exit the page


The IAM (Identity and Access Management) view allows the user to manage user roles and groups.


For more details on user management, see Identity and Access Management (IAM).


The Downloads view shows all the virtual images that are available to download.


The HIABS tab displays download options for virtual images of VMware, Hyper-V and HIAB Cloud.


To download an image:

  1. Select an option that is most suitable for your virtual environment

  2. Click on the Download button located on the bottom of each option.

For more information on how to set up virtual HIABs, see Virtual HIAB Appliance.

  1. Click BACK in the top right corner to exit the page


The Credentials view displays the test accounts that are used for authenticated scanning or scoping can be created and securely managed.


For more details on adding accounts and credentials, see Scan Credentials.

To exit the page, click BACK in the top right corner.

Contact Us

The Contact us view displays information about contacting customer support.


To exit the page, click BACK in the top right corner.

Third-Party Licenses

The Third-party licenses view is a list of licenses of third-party software that are embedded into the platform.

Third-party licenses

To exit the page, click BACK in the top right corner.


The About view displays list of software versions currently in use on the OUTSCAN and HIAB platforms.


For OUTSCAN , the About view lists:

  • Compliance version

  • Portal version

  • XML application version

  • Agent version

  • Rules version



For HIAB, it will show:

  • Compliance version

  • Scanning engine version

  • Scripts version

  • Portal version

  • XML application version

  • Rules version


The Software Versions button downloads a list containing the software versions of the installed services used by the HIAB. For example: the UI version, core scripts version, compliance version, etc…

The content may change over time depending of services being added or removed during updates.


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Outpost24® and OUTSCAN™ are trademarks of Outpost24® and its affiliated companies. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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