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Subscriptions Overview


This document describes subscriptions and how to interact with them to review which subscriptions are available for the account.


The Subscription Overview consists of two sections: the main table on the left and the details view the right. In the subscriptions table, multiple subscriptions are listed, and by clicking on one of them, specific details can be viewed.


The Subscriptions view lists all subscriptions in a table and provides details about each available license.



The subscriptions can be filtered in various ways using the filtering function Icon_Filter.png or in each column head. To view all subscriptions, ensure no filters are applied in the table.

For details on applying filters to a specific column, see the Filters document.


Activate the columns required by opening the Columns menu Icon_Columns.png .



Activated at *

Filter the Activated at column to see subscriptions available from a specified date.

Active *

To see currently active/inacitve subscriptions, filter by the Active column.

Active Until *

Filter the Active until column to find subscriptions that ended before a specified date.


Number of days since the subscription was created.

Created by

UUID of the user that created the subscription.

Duration *

Number of days from Activated at to Active until.

Type *

Assure, Consumption, DAST Expert, Snapshot, SWAT.


Number of days since the subscription was updated.

Updated by

UUID of the user that updated the subscription.


Unique identifier of the subscription generated at the creation time allowing for identification across multiple systems and deployments.



Clicking on a consumption-type subscription reveals details on the right side of the screen. These details include the number of scans or assets covered by that subscription.

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 10.39.37.png

Clicking on any other type of subscription reveals only a minimal set of details, presenting only the information available for that subscription.

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 10.42.50.png


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Outpost24® and OUTSCAN™ are trademarks of Outpost24® and its affiliated companies. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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