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Notification Settings


This document provides users with an overview of how to setup and use the Event Notifications module in OUTSCAN and HIAB. This document has been elaborated under the assumption that the reader has access to the OUTSCAN /HIAB account and Portal Interface.


This document provide a step-by-step configuration setup guide for configuring the OUTSCAN/HIAB solution according to best practice. It consider the size of the organizations and provide information about why different options are taken over other in order to provide justification why the different paths where chosen.

Event Notification

To monitor and maintain the solution, specific events should be defined to keep track of the ongoing progress of the vulnerability management program. This includes knowing when the scanner is updated, when alterations are made, and when scanning occurs unsuccessfully.






When was it created.

Created by

Who created the notification setting.


Notification setting identifier.

Integration ID

Identifier of the connected Integration. See Integrations.

Integration type

  • E-mail

  • Notification

  • SNMP

  • Syslog

  • Webhook


The name of the notification.


See Tags document.


See Trigger section.


When was it updated.

Updated by

Who updated it.

View template ID

Identifier to a saved View template. See View templates.

Configuring the Event Notification

When configuring the Event Notification, several Triggers, Integrations, View templates, and Variables can be selected.


Triggers are automated instructions that respond to specific events by executing predefined actions, enhancing real-time monitoring, response, and overall security posture. They enable proactive notifications and actions, providing real-time insights and reducing the need for manual intervention. Examples include:

  • Asset triggers for changes in infrastructure.

  • Configuration triggers for system changes.

  • Finding triggers for vulnerabilities.

  • User event triggers for access control.

These triggers ensure timely updates and informed decision-making, acting as proactive agents to mitigate potential threats and improve platform resilience. For a detailed list of available triggers, see Appendix A.


Integrations refer to the seamless incorporation of different software systems, tools, or services to work cohesively within a unified environment. Integrations act as bridges that enable the cybersecurity platform to communicate and share information with external applications or services. They play an important role in streamlining communication, enhancing data visibility, and automating workflows.

Email: The Event Notification can send automated email notifications and alerts to inform relevant stakeholders about security events or system changes. This email integration ensures immediate awareness and facilitates a timely response to critical incidents.

Notification: The notifications provides real-time alerts directly within Outscan, informing users instantly about important events. It is configurable on a per-user basis.

SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) integration allows Outscan to communicate with network devices and management systems, enabling monitoring and management of network components. This is essential for gathering information about the network's health and status, supporting comprehensive threat analysis.

Syslog: Syslog integration involves sending event logs and messages to a centralized syslog server, enhancing visibility into system activities and facilitates analysis. It is valuable for auditing, compliance, and forensic purposes, ensuring that a detailed record of security events is maintained.

Webhook: Webhooks enable the Outscan to send real-time data to external systems or services, triggering actions in external applications based on specific events. This integration enhances automation capabilities and supports the use of various third-party tools and services.

For more detailed information, see Appendix B.

See Integration Management.

View Templates

View Templates allow users to save and replicate personalized configurations. By storing settings such as column order, sorting criteria, column width, and filters, users can easily switch between different data perspectives without reapplying parameters. This tool ensures consistency and efficiency in data analysis, aligning with specific user needs and saving time for frequently revisited analyses. For more details how to use this feature, see View Templates.

Available Variables

The variables in Notification Settings are dynamic placeholders for data in templates, automating workflows by inserting real-time data into messages or configurations. This ensures relevant information in changing contexts, enhances customization, reduces manual effort, and minimizes errors.

Available variables depend on the selected event trigger, detailed in Appendix C. Keep in mind that the available variables depend on the selected event trigger.

Add Notification Setting


  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. Click the green (plus) icon in the lower right corner to add a new event notification.

  3. Select a Name for the setting.

  4. Select a Trigger for the event. See Appendix A.

  5. Select an Integration for the event. See Appendix B.

  6. Select a View Template. See View Templates.

  7. Select Users to receive the notifications.

  8. Add a Subject. You can add predefined variables from Available Variables drop down. See Appendix C.
    When starting to type the curly brackets {{ a list is displayed and filtered automatically while typing for easy access to the predefined variables.


  9. Add the Content to the notification. You can add predefined variables from Available Variables drop down. See Appendix C.
    The same list as in #8 is displayed when writing two curly brackets.

  10. Click the blue ADD button to save the Notification Setting.

Users field is only active if E-mail is selected as integration in step 5. If Notification is selected as the setting only apply on current user/sub-user.

If the Integration is set to E-mail, then the content can be toggled between Text or HTML format.

Edit Notifications Settings

  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. Select the notification setting you want to edit.

  3. Edit the content of the Notification Setting.

  4. Click the blue Save button to save.

Remove Notifications Settings

  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. Right click the Notification Setting you want to remove.

  3. In the pop-up menu, click Delete.



  1. Select the Notification Setting you want to remove by checking the check box.

  2. In the toolbar at the bottom, click the bin icon to Delete.


Notification Examples

Following example is for high-risk findings:

This specific example is for a customer who only has SWAT.

High Risk Finding

{{ finding.cvssV3Severity }} risk found - {{finding.assetName}}
  Dear {{ user.firstName }} on behalf of Outpost24,
  The following {{ finding.cvssV3Severity }} risk vulnerabilities were found for {{finding.assetName}} as part of the ongoing penetration testing {{finding.activeSubscriptionTypes[0]}} service:
  <b><a href="{{}}/details'">{{ }}</a></b>
  Best Regards,


For more information on tags see Tags document.

Add Tags

  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. Right click the Notification Setting.

  3. In the pop-up menu select Edit tags.


  4. Search for a tag and select it from the given suggestions.

  5. If the tag does not exist click the Create New Tag button.

  6. Click the Submit button to add the tag.

Edit Tags

  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. Right click the Notification Setting.

  3. In the pop-up menu select Edit Tags.

Remove Tags

  1. Go to Configuration > Notification Settings.

  2. Click on the X on the tag you want to remove.

Appendix A

Events starting with HIAB are only available on appliance and starting with Outscan are not. The opposite applies to Outscan.



Asset created

New asset added

Asset deleted

Asset removed

Asset not recently seen

Asset not detected recently

Comment created

New comment created

Compliance created

New compliance created

Compliance modified

Compliance status changed

Compliance risk exception

Risk associated with compliance marked as exception

Compliance risk exception expiration

Risk exception for compliance expired

Configuration created

New configuration added

Configuration deleted

Configuration removed

Configuration done

Configuration completed

Configuration modified

Configuration details changed

Configuration started

Configuration process initiated

Consumption absolute

Absolute consumption limit reached

Consumption relative

Relative consumption limit reached

Finding created

New security finding identified

Finding modified

Security finding details changed

Finding risk accept expiration

Risk acceptance for finding expired

Finding risk accepted

Risk associated with finding accepted

Finding seen

Triggered when a finding is found in a scan but is already existing. It updates the last seen on the finding and trigger this event.

HIAB backup done

Backup for HIAB completed

HIAB backup failed

Backup for HIAB failed

HIAB disk usage high

High disk usage in HIAB

HIAB maintenance plan done

Maintenance plan for HIAB completed

HIAB rebooted

HIAB appliance rebooted

HIAB remote support

Remote support for HIAB toggled

HIAB scanner missing

Scanner for HIAB not detected

HIAB update done

Update for HIAB completed

HIAB update failed

Update for HIAB failed

New release notes

New software release notes available

Outscan consultancy

Consultancy initiated

Resource group created

New resource group added

Resource group deleted

Resource group removed

Resource group modified

Resource group details changed

Role created

New role added

Role deleted

Role removed

Role modified

Role details changed

Scan done

Scan completed

Scan started

Scan initiated

Scan stopped

Scan stopped

Schedule created

New schedule added

Schedule deleted

Schedule removed

Schedule modified

Schedule details changed

Schedule scheduled

Schedule task initiated

User created

New user added

User deleted

User removed

User login attempt

Attempted user login

User modified

User details changed

User password reset

User password reset

Watched finding updated1

Watched finding details updated

Workflow created

New workflow added

Workflow deleted

Workflow removed

Workflow done

Workflow completed

Workflow modified

Workflow details changed

Workflow started

Workflow process initiated

1)Watched finding updated

A Watched finding updated trigger setting per user with Notification as the default integration is automatically generated by the system.

A sub-user can always view and manage the content (excluding delete and tag) of their own default notification setting, even without the necessary permissions or resource groups.

However, this exception only applies to the default Watched finding event, meaning this is the only notification setting that the sub-user can view/edit if they are without proper permissions/resource groups.

As a whole, the Watched finding updated trigger setting, when created, is always bound to the user who created it, in other words, even the main user is unable to create a setting with trigger type Watched finding updated for a sub-user.

Appendix B




Direct notification integration within Outscan provides real-time alerts without having to leave the platform. This is especially beneficial for active monitoring or incident response. Security analysts can customize in-app notifications to highlight specific risk levels or critical events, streamlining workflows. The per-user configurability allows team members to tailor notifications to their roles or event urgency, optimizing the platform for individual needs.


Email integration is crucial for delivering timely alerts to stakeholders. It enables security administrators to receive instant notifications of critical updates, unauthorized access attempts, or potential breaches. This allows for swift assessment and response to incidents, shortening reaction time. Additionally, customizable email templates can include details like affected assets, severity levels, and recommended actions, facilitating a more informed response.


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) integration enables Outscan to actively monitor network devices, servers, and other assets. It reports changes such as asset additions, modifications, deletions, and new vulnerabilities. By capturing real-time details about asset health and status, it provides insights into potential security threats or network changes. This functionality allows security teams to respond proactively, enhancing threat detection and security threat mitigation.


Syslog integration offers significant advantages for cybersecurity operations by centralizing log data on user logins, system changes, and security events. It enables forensic investigations by analysing log s to trace security incidents and supports compliance by maintaining an audit trail for regulatory requirements and demonstrating security diligence.


Webhooks are a mechanism for enabling real-time communication between web applications. They allow one application to send automated, event-driven information to another application in the form of HTTP requests. Webhooks are typically used to notify or trigger actions in response to specific events or updates.

Appendix C



{{ asset.activeSubscriptionTypes|join(', ') }}

The asset's active subscription types

{{ asset.assetIdentifierIds|join(', ') }}

The asset identifiers (deprecated)

{{ asset.assetIdentifiers|join(', ') }}

The asset links

{{ asset.assetIdentifierTypes|join(', ') }}

The asset identifier types (deprecated)

{{ asset.compliant }}

The asset compliance status

{{ asset.created }}

The created date

{{ asset.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ asset.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ asset.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ asset.cvssV2EnvironmentalVector }}

The CVSS V2 environmental vector

{{ asset.cvssV3EnvironmentalVector }}

The CVSS V3 environmental vector

{{ asset.dockerImageOs }}

The docker image operating system name

{{ asset.dockerImageProperties }}

The asset base properties

{{ asset.firstScanId }}

The id of the first scan performed on the asset

{{ }}

The asset id

{{ asset.lastScanId }}

The id of last scan performed on the asset

{{ }}

The asset name

{{ asset.source|join(', ') }}

The asset sources

{{ asset.tags|join(', ') }}

The tags

{{ asset.tojson }}

The asset

{{ asset.updated }}

The updated date

{{ asset.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ asset.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ asset.uuid }}

The asset uuid

{{ assetGroup.activeSubscriptionTypes|join(', ') }}

The assetgroup's active subscription types

{{ assetGroup.assetGroupIds|join(', ') }}

The children asset groups

{{ assetGroup.assetIds|join(', ') }}

The component assets

{{ assetGroup.created }}

The created date

{{ assetGroup.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ assetGroup.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ assetGroup.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ }}

The name of the asset group

{{ assetGroup.parentId }}

The parent asset group

{{ assetGroup.path|join(', ') }}

The path of the asset group tree

{{ assetGroup.source|join(', ') }}

The asset group's sources

{{ assetGroup.summary }}

The content of the executive summary

{{ assetGroup.summaryPublishedAt }}

When the executive summary was published

{{ assetGroup.tags|tojson }}

The tags

{{ assetGroup.updated }}

The updated date

{{ assetGroup.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ assetGroup.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ comment.comment }}

The content of the comment

{{ comment.created }}

The created date

{{ comment.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ comment.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ comment.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ comment.deleted }}

When the comment was deleted

{{ comment.entityId }}

The ID of the object this comment is made for

{{ comment.entityType }}

The type of object this comment is made for

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ comment.parentId }}

ID of the parent comment if this comment is a reply

{{ comment.supportStatus }}

Current support status of the comment

{{ comment.updated }}

The updated date

{{ comment.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ comment.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ configuration.assetIdentifierIds|join(', ') }}

The asset links

{{ configuration.assetIds|join(', ') }}

The asset IDs associated with this scan configuration

{{ configuration.configuration|tojson }}

The scan configuration

{{ configuration.created }}

The created date

{{ configuration.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ configuration.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ configuration.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ configuration.enabled }}

The scan status. Set to true when enabled

{{ configuration.groupId }}

The scan group id

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ configuration.lastScan }}

Last time a scan was performed using this configuration

{{ }}

The scan name

{{ configuration.nextOccurrence }}

The scan next occurrence date

{{ configuration.scannerId }}

The scanner id

{{ configuration.scheduleIds|join(', ') }}

The schedule ids associated with this scan configuration

{{ configuration.tags|join(', ') }}

The tags

{{ configuration.template }}

The scan template

{{ configuration.tojson }}

The configuration

{{ configuration.updated }}

The updated date

{{ configuration.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ configuration.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ consumption.appliancePeriodEnd }}

The appliance consumption period start date

{{ consumption.cloudDiscoveryApplianceScans }}

The cloud discovery appliance scans

{{ consumption.cloudDiscoveryScans }}

The cloud discovery scans

{{ consumption.cloudsecAssets }}

The cloudsec assets

{{ consumption.cloudsecScans }}

The cloudsec scans

{{ consumption.complianceApplianceAssets }}

The compliance appliance assets

{{ consumption.complianceApplianceExternalAssets }}

The compliance appliance external assets

{{ consumption.complianceApplianceExternalScans }}

The compliance appliance external scans

{{ consumption.complianceApplianceScans }}

The compliance appliance scans

{{ consumption.complianceAssets }}

The compliance assets

{{ consumption.complianceInternalAssets }}

The compliance internal assets

{{ consumption.complianceInternalScans }}

The compliance internal scans

{{ consumption.complianceScans }}

The compliance scans

{{ consumption.created }}

The created date

{{ consumption.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ consumption.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ consumption.dockerImageApplianceAssets }}

The docker image appliance assets

{{ consumption.dockerImageApplianceScans }}

The docker image appliance scans

{{ consumption.dockerImageAssets }}

The docker image assets

{{ consumption.dockerImageDiscoveryApplianceScans }}

The docker image discovery appliance scans

{{ consumption.dockerImageDiscoveryScans }}

The docker image discovery scans

{{ consumption.dockerImageScans }}

The docker image scans

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ consumption.netsecApplianceAssets }}

The netsec appliance assets

{{ consumption.netsecApplianceExternalAssets }}

The netsec appliance external assets

{{ consumption.netsecApplianceExternalScans }}

The netsec appliance external scans

{{ consumption.netsecApplianceScans }}

The netsec appliance scans

{{ consumption.netsecAssets }}

The netsec assets

{{ consumption.netsecInternalAssets }}

The netsec internal assets

{{ consumption.netsecInternalScans }}

The netsec internal scans

{{ consumption.netsecScans }}

The netsec scans

{{ consumption.networkApplianceAssets }}

The network appliance assets

{{ consumption.networkApplianceScans }}

The network appliance scans

{{ consumption.networkAssets }}

The network assets

{{ consumption.networkDiscoveryApplianceScans }}

The network discovery appliance scans

{{ consumption.networkDiscoveryScans }}

The network discovery scans

{{ consumption.networkScans }}

The network scans

{{ consumption.outscanNXApplianceAssets }}

The Outscan NX appliance assets

{{ consumption.outscanNXAssets }}

The Outscan NX assets

{{ consumption.pciAssets }}

The pci assets

{{ consumption.pciScans }}

The pci scans

{{ consumption.periodEnd }}

The consumption period end date

{{ consumption.periodStart }}

The consumption period start date

{{ consumption.scaleApplianceAssets }}

The scale appliance assets

{{ consumption.scaleApplianceExternalAssets }}

The scale appliance external assets

{{ consumption.scaleApplianceExternalScans }}

The scale appliance external scans

{{ consumption.scaleApplianceScans }}

The scale appliance scans

{{ consumption.scaleAssets }}

The scale assets

{{ consumption.scaleInternalAssets }}

The scale internal assets

{{ consumption.scaleScans }}

The scale scans

{{ consumption.tojson }}

The consumption

{{ consumption.updated }}

The updated date

{{ consumption.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ consumption.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ data.releaseVersion }}

The release version

{{ event.timestamp }}

The event date

{{ event.trigger }}

The event trigger

{{ finding.accepted }}

The date when risk marked as accepted

{{ finding.acceptedComment }}

The accepted comment

{{ finding.acceptedUntil }}

The date until risk marked as accepted

{{ finding.activeSubscriptionTypes|join(', ') }}

The finding's active subscription types

{{ finding.age }}

The finding's age in days since creation

{{ finding.alternativeRecreation }}

The alternate recreation

{{ finding.assetId }}

The asset id

{{ finding.assetName }}

The asset name

{{ finding.attachmentIds|join(', ') }}

The attachments ids

{{ finding.bugTraq|join(', ') }}

The bug track

{{ finding.capec|join(', ') }}

The CAPEC scores

{{ finding.checkId }}

The check id associated with the finding

{{ finding.classifications }}

The classifications such as CAPEC, OWASP20XX

{{ finding.commentPendingSince }}

The date since comment is pending

{{ finding.commentsCount }}

The number of comments

{{ finding.created }}

The created date

{{ finding.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ finding.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ finding.customBugTraq }}

The custom bug track

{{ finding.customCve }}

The custom CVE

{{ finding.customCvssV2Vector }}

The custom CVSS V2 vector

{{ finding.customCvssV3Vector }}

The custom CVSS V3 vector

{{ finding.customCwe }}

The custom CWE

{{ finding.customDescription }}

The custom description

{{ finding.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ finding.customName }}

The custom name

{{ finding.customSolution }}

The custom solution

{{ finding.cve }}

The finding CVE

{{ finding.cvssScore }}

The CVSS score, take CVSS V3 if available, otherwise CVSS V2

{{ finding.cvssV2BaseScore }}

The CVSS V2 base score

{{ finding.cvssV2EnvironmentalScore }}

The CVSS V2 environmental score

{{ finding.cvssV2Score }}

The CVSS V2 score

{{ finding.cvssV2Severity }}

The CVSS V2 severity

{{ finding.cvssV2TemporalScore }}

The CVSS V2 temporal score

{{ finding.cvssV2Vector }}

The CVSS V2 vector

{{ finding.cvssV3BaseScore }}

The CVSS V3 base score

{{ finding.cvssV3EnvironmentalScore }}

The CVSS V3 environmental score

{{ finding.cvssV3Score }}

The CVSS V3 score

{{ finding.cvssV3Severity }}

The CVSS V3 severity

{{ finding.cvssV3TemporalScore }}

The CVSS V3 temporal score

{{ finding.cvssV3Vector }}

The CVSS V3 vector

{{ finding.cwe }}

The finding CWE

{{ finding.cyrating }}

The cyrating

{{ finding.cyratingDelta }}

The cyrating delta

{{ finding.cyratingLastSeen }}

The cyrating last seen date

{{ finding.cyratingUpdated }}

The cyrating updated date

{{ finding.description }}

The finding description

{{ finding.exploitAvailable }}

Set to true when exploits are available

{{ finding.exploitProbability }}

The exploit probability

{{ finding.exploitProbabilityDelta }}

The exploit probability delta

{{ finding.falsePositive }}

The date when marked as false positive

{{ finding.falsePositiveComment }}

The false positive comment

{{ finding.farsight }}

The farsight concists in additional information on risk such as likelihood, threat activity

{{ finding.firstScanId }}

The id of the first scan

{{ finding.firstSeen }}

The date when first seen

{{ finding.fixed }}

The date when the risk was fixed

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ finding.impact }}

The impact

{{ finding.isAccepted }}

Set to true when the risk is accepted

{{ finding.lastScanId }}

The id of the last scan

{{ finding.lastSeen }}

The date when last seen

{{ finding.matches|join(', ') }}

The match list

{{ finding.matchIds|join(', ') }}

The match ids

{{ }}

The finding name

{{ finding.owasp2004|join(', ') }}

The OWASP 2004 scores

{{ finding.owasp2007|join(', ') }}

The OWASP 2007 scores

{{ finding.owasp2010|join(', ') }}

The OWASP 2010 scores

{{ finding.owasp2013|join(', ') }}

The OWASP 2013 scores

{{ finding.owasp2017|join(', ') }}

The OWASP 2017 scores

{{ finding.owasp2021|join(', ') }}

The OWASP 2021 scores

{{ finding.potential }}

The finding potential. Set to true when potential false positive

{{ finding.qualityAssured }}

The quality assured date

{{ finding.recreation }}

The recreation

{{ finding.reviewed }}

The finding reviewed date

{{ finding.sans25 }}

The SANS 25 score

{{ finding.secureCodeWarrior }}

The secure code warrior information on the vulnerability description and training

{{ finding.seenLastScan }}

Set to true if finding was seen in last scan

{{ finding.softwareComponent }}

The software component

{{ finding.solution }}

The solution

{{ finding.solutionProduct }}

The solution product

{{ finding.solutionTitle }}

The solution title

{{ finding.solutionType }}

The solution type

{{ finding.solutionUuid }}

The solution uuid

{{ finding.source|join(', ') }}

The scan sources

{{ finding.status }}

The finding status

{{ finding.tags|join(', ') }}

The tags

{{ finding.tojson }}

The finding

{{ finding.updated }}

The updated date

{{ finding.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ finding.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ finding.watching }}

Whether the current user is watching this finding

{{ resourceGroup.created }}

The created date

{{ resourceGroup.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ resourceGroup.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ resourceGroup.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ }}

The resource group name

{{ resourceGroup.resources|join(', ') }}

The resource group resources

{{ resourceGroup.system }}

Set to true when resource group is system resource group

{{ resourceGroup.tojson }}

The resourceGroup

{{ resourceGroup.updated }}

The updated date

{{ resourceGroup.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ resourceGroup.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ role.created }}

The created date

{{ role.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ role.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ role.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ }}

The user role name

{{ role.permissionIds|join(', ') }}

The user role permission ids

{{ role.system }}

Set to true when system role

{{ role.tojson }}

The role

{{ role.updated }}

The updated date

{{ role.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ role.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ scan.assetId }}

The id of asset on which the scan is performed

{{ scan.assetIdentifierId }}

The link id of asset on which the scan is performed

{{ scan.assetIdentifierName }}

The name of asset on which the scan is performed

{{ scan.assetIdentifierType }}

The type of asset on which the scan is performed

{{ scan.assetName }}

The name of asset on which the scan is performed

{{ scan.blueprintAvailable }}

Set to true when scan blueprint is available

{{ scan.created }}

The created date

{{ scan.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ scan.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ scan.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ scan.ended }}

The scan ended date

{{ scan.expectedEnd }}

The scan expected end date

{{ scan.expectedStart }}

The scan expected start date

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ scan.jobId }}

The id of the scan job

{{ scan.latestRuleDate }}

The latest rule date taken into account to perform the scan

{{ scan.parentId }}

The id of the parent scan.

{{ scan.scanConfigurationId }}

The id of the scan configuration

{{ scan.scanConfigurationName }}

The name of the scan configuration

{{ scan.scanless }}

Set to true when scan is scanless (only detection performed)

{{ scan.scheduleId }}

The schedule id when scan triggered by a schedule.

{{ scan.source }}

The scan source

{{ scan.started }}

The scan started date

{{ scan.status }}

The scan status

{{ scan.statusDetails }}

The scan status details

{{ scan.tags|join(', ') }}

The tags

{{ scan.tojson }}

The scan

{{ scan.updated }}

The updated date

{{ scan.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ scan.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ scan.workflowId }}

The id of the workflow

{{ scan.workflowName }}

The name of the workflow

{{ schedule.blockedTimeSlots }}

The schedule blocked time slots

{{ schedule.created }}

The created date

{{ schedule.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ schedule.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ schedule.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ schedule.days|join(', ') }}

The schedule days set what days have been selected for recurrence

{{ schedule.enabled }}

The schedule status. Set to true when enabled

{{ schedule.frequency }}

The schedule frequency

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ schedule.interval }}

The schedule interval

{{ schedule.months|join(', ') }}

The schedule months set what months have been selected for recurrence

{{ }}

The schedule name

{{ schedule.nextOccurrence }}

The schedule next occurrence date

{{ schedule.nthDays|join(', ') }}

The schedule nthDays set what ordinal days have been selected for recurrence

{{ schedule.remainingOccurrences }}

The schedule remaining occurrences

{{ schedule.scanConfigurationIds|join(', ') }}

The scan configuration IDs associated with this schedule

{{ schedule.scanWindowDuration }}

The schedule scan window duration.

{{ schedule.scheduledReportIds|join(', ') }}

The report IDs associated with this schedule

{{ schedule.startsFrom }}

The schedule starts from date

{{ schedule.timezone }}

The schedule time zone

{{ schedule.tojson }}

The schedule

{{ schedule.until }}

The schedule until date

{{ schedule.updated }}

The updated date

{{ schedule.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ schedule.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object

{{ schedule.weekdays|join(', ') }}

The schedule weekdays set what weekdays have been selected for recurrence

{{ schedule.weeks|join(', ') }}

The schedule weeks set what weeks have been selected for recurrence

{{ schedule.workflowIds|join(', ') }}

The workflow IDs associated with this schedule

{{ setting.entityType }}

The type of the target on which the comment is made

{{ setting.from }}

The old/new finding status before/after transitioning, respectively. See {{ }}

{{ setting.limit }}

The consumption limit

{{ setting.metric }}

The consumption metric

{{ setting.originalTrigger }}

The actual change to the watched finding

{{ setting.timeBefore }}

The number of days in advance of acceptance expiration to trigger the event

{{ }}

The old/new finding status before/after transitioning, respectively. See {{ setting.from }}

{{ user.countryCode }}

The user country code

{{ user.customerId }}

The user customer id

{{ }}

The user email address

{{ user.emailEncryptionKey }}

The user public key for email encryption

{{ user.firstName }}

The user first name

{{ }}

The user id

{{ user.language }}

The user language

{{ user.lastLogonDate }}

The user last logon date

{{ user.lastLogonIp }}

The user last logon ip address

{{ user.lastName }}

The user last name

{{ user.logons }}

The user logon numbers

{{ user.mobilePhone }}

The user mobile phone number

{{ user.portalPreferences }}

The user portal preferences

{{ user.snapshotSubscriptions }}

The snapshot subscriptions

{{ user.snapshotSubscriptionsRemaining }}

The remaining snapshot subscriptions

{{ user.stateCode }}

The user state code

{{ user.swatSubscriptions }}

The SWAT subscriptions

{{ user.swatSubscriptionsRemaining }}

The remaining SWAT subscriptions

{{ user.tags|join(', ') }}

The tags

{{ user.timezone }}

The user time zone

{{ user.tojson }}

The user

{{ user.username }}

The user name

{{ userAccount.countryCode }}

The user country code

{{ userAccount.customerId }}

The user customer id

{{ }}

The user email address

{{ userAccount.emailEncryptionKey }}

The user public key for email encryption

{{ userAccount.firstName }}

The user first name

{{ }}

The user id

{{ userAccount.language }}

The user language

{{ userAccount.lastLogonDate }}

The user last logon date

{{ userAccount.lastLogonIp }}

The user last logon ip address

{{ userAccount.lastName }}

The user last name

{{ userAccount.logons }}

The user logon numbers

{{ userAccount.mobilePhone }}

The user mobile phone number

{{ userAccount.portalPreferences }}

The user portal preferences

{{ userAccount.snapshotSubscriptions }}

The snapshot subscriptions

{{ userAccount.snapshotSubscriptionsRemaining }}

The remaining snapshot subscriptions

{{ userAccount.stateCode }}

The user state code

{{ userAccount.swatSubscriptions }}

The SWAT subscriptions

{{ userAccount.swatSubscriptionsRemaining }}

The remaining SWAT subscriptions

{{ userAccount.tags|join(', ') }}

The tags

{{ userAccount.timezone }}

The user time zone

{{ userAccount.tojson }}

The userAccount

{{ userAccount.username }}

The user name

{{ workflow.configurations|tojson }}

The workflow configurations

{{ workflow.created }}

The created date

{{ workflow.createdBy }}

The name of who created the object

{{ workflow.createdById }}

The userid of the person that created the object

{{ workflow.customerId }}

The customer id the object belongs to

{{ workflow.enabled }}

The workflow status. Set to true when enabled

{{ }}

The id of the object

{{ workflow.lastScan }}

Last time a scan was performed using this workflow

{{ }}

The workflow name

{{ workflow.nextOccurrence }}

The scan next occurrence date

{{ workflow.scannerId }}

The scanner id

{{ workflow.scheduleIds|join(', ') }}

The schedule ids associated with this workflow

{{ workflow.tags|tojson }}

The tags

{{ workflow.tojson }}

The workflow

{{ workflow.updated }}

The updated date

{{ workflow.updatedBy }}

The name of who updated the object

{{ workflow.updatedById }}

The userid of the person that updated the object


© 2024 Outpost24® All rights reserved. This document may only be redistributed unedited and unaltered. This document may be cited and referenced only if clearly crediting Outpost24® and this document as the source. Any other reproduction and redistribution in print or electronically is strictly prohibited without explicit permission.


Outpost24® and OUTSCAN™ are trademarks of Outpost24® and its affiliated companies. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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