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Technical Preview

This document contains parts that are technical previews of features that is currently under development. These features may be hidden behind a feature flag.


This document describes Workflows in Scanning.


Workflows allow you to run several distinct types of scans sequentially, as an example, Discover your network assets, then run a Network assessment on those discovered hosts, then run an Application (Scale) scan on those assets where web services were found, and finally schedule a Report to be delivered on the Findings of the scan.

A workflow can be useful when several different scan types are needed, but the order of the scans is important. A workflow allows the findings from the previous scan element to influence the next.

For more information on how to set up the different discovery scans and assessment scans, see Discovery Scan Configurations and Scan Assessment Configuration.


It is assumed that the reader has basic access to the OUTSCAN/HIAB account with an Appsec, Cloudsec, or Scout subscription.

Create a Workflow

To create a Workflow:

  1. In the Portal menu column on the left hand side, click Configuration to expand it.

  2. Click Workflows to open the Workflows view.

  3. To create a new workflow click on the blue Create new Workflow button in the action bar above the table.

  4. A wizard for configure a new workflow is displayed. In General settings, enter the name for the workflow and optionally change which scanner to use.


When selecting ARN credentials for the workflow, the scanner selection drop-down will be hidden and set its value from the previous step. A notification is displayed at the bottom stating "You can't have both ARN credentials and a remote scanner. The scanner has been reset to the default one and the drop-down is hidden."

When selecting non-ARN credentials, a notification will be displayed saying "Scanner selection has been reverted."

  1. To add a scan configuration to the workflow, click one of the check boxes in the section Choose step in the workflow, for example Network host assessment. Some of the check boxes will be disabled and some will be enabled, indicating which scan configurations that are valid to combine with the selected one(s).

  2. The warning The workflow requires more steps to be added to be valid is shown until the minimum required steps are selected.


  3. For each selected step a corresponding tab will be added to the wizard. The tabs will be red indicating that it needs further input. To navigate to a tab, either click Next button or the tab itself.


  4. The scan configuration tabs consists of sub steps that are listed in the left panel. Depending on the type of scan there might be several sub steps. The sub steps are disabled by default, except for the first Setup sub step. To activate the sub steps to further configuration, select one of two radio buttons:

    • Create new configuration – the Settings sub step needs to be filled in from scratch.

    • Create from existing – when selected, a list with existing scan configurations is displayed. By selecting a row, the Settings sub step is filled in with the values from the selected configuration.


      Portal_Configuration_Workflow_DescriptionExisting Configurations.png

In the Workflow column, a green dot indicates a workflow, and a grey dot indicates a normal scan configuration.

  1. To fill in the Settings or to change any of the existing values, click Next in the lower right or click Settings sub step in left panel.  The sub step may be red indicating that the step is invalid due to required field is not filled in.

  1. The optional Reports step allows you to add one or several reports by clicking the green Plus (plus).

  2. The Add report dialog is displayed and used for further input. Either the form can be filled in from scratch or pre-populated with values from an existing report by using the auto complete field Create from existing.

  3. Several reports can be added to the Workflow. The edit Icon_edit.png icon and delete Icon_bin.png icon can be used to alter the reports in the list.

  4.  Once all steps are valid, the Create Workflow button is enabled and clickable. The wizard is closed and the Workflow View is shown with the newly created workflow.

In the Workflow column, a green dot indicates a workflow, and a grey dot indicates a normal scan configuration.

The Workflows View

The Workflows view presents all workflows in the system. When selecting a row, the side panel opens with an Edit tab and a Scheduled tab.

From the Edit tab the workflow can be reopen in the wizard for further editing, see Edit Workflow.

In the Schedule tab, schedules for when to run the Workflow can be configured, see Scheduled workflow.

The Workflows view presents all workflows in the system. When selecting a row, the side panel opens with an Edit tab and a Scheduled tab.

From the Edit tab the workflow can be reopen in the wizard for further editing, see Edit Workflow.

In the Schedule tab, schedules for when to run the Workflow can be configured, see Scheduled workflow.

Workflow Actions

The context menu contains the following functions:

  • Edit tags opens the tag dialog.

  • Scan now start a scan manually.

  • Delete delete the workflow and all included scan configurations and reports.

Schedule Workflow

The Workflow can be scheduled to preform scans in the same way as an ordinary scan configuration.

See Schedules in the Scan Configuration Settings document for more details.

Edit Workflow

The Open Wizard button in the Edit tab opens the selected workflow in the wizard for further editing. The wizard is similar to the one used when creating a new workflow with some minor exceptions:

  • Create Workflow button is renamed to Save.

  • The Setup sub step have an additional radio button called Current configuration if the step is active in the workflow.

To change the configuration you can either change the saved Current configuration, Create a new configuration, or Create from existing by selecting the different radio buttons.

It is also possible to go to the general settings step and add or remove steps.


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