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HIAB Restore


This document describes how to perform a restore from a backup file in the HIAB.


HIABs can be restored from FTP, SCP, CIFS, or NFS servers, or a local backup can be downloaded to your own machine. See HIAB Backup for more information on how to perform a backup.

Available only on HIAB scheduler.

Restoring a HIAB

To restore the HIAB appliance from a backup, navigate to the following location in HIAB.

Go to Main Menu > Settings > Maintenance > Backup.

The maintenance portal is where you manage updates and backups for the HIAB itself.

HIABs can be restored from FTP, SCP, CIFS, or NFS servers. You will need to reconfigure these settings if you wish to use this method. Alternatively, you can upload a local backup from your local machine. 

Maintenance Settings Backup

  1. Click on Import. If you receive the below error, do not worry. You have simply not configured your server information to restore the backup from. If you are restoring from a local file, select OK and move on to the next step.


  2. For network based backups, select your backup file and click Import.

  3. For local based backups, choose Upload local select the file you wish to restore from and click Upload.

    Upload Bsckup File

  4. Select Yes on any pop-up stating all data will be replaced after the restore. 


You can refresh the Latest Backup and Import section to see when your backup has completed.

If you refresh and see Server not responding, then the backup will be completed and you can refresh the entire page.


Re-enrolling an old HIAB Image

When re-enrolling a HIAB to factory defaults or restoring a HIAB, an error message can be displayed stating that the HIAB image is no longer supported. This occurs when the build image was not one of the latest images, and needs to be updated.

To solve that issue, download the latest version and use that.



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