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HIAB Updates


This document provides information on how to update the HIAB.



This feature enables you to manage updates correctly within the organizations environment. 
Once logged in, go to Main Menu > Settings > Maintenance.

The HIAB sometimes need to be restarted. This usually occurs after an kernel update or a kernel change.

When a restart is required, it is indicated in the Outpost24 AB HIAB About page. 

To access the About page , click the Main menu and select About.


In the Maintenance Settings window, the Update tab allows you to schedule regular updates of the HIAB software and the vulnerability findings.

The elements of the Update tab are described below:




Allows/prohibits updating when scans are running.


Allows you to schedule your updates on a regular basis. Here you can specify the frequency, date and time of the next update.


  • Notify on failing: Enable/disable notifications on failed updates.

  • Notify on done: Enable/disable notifications on successful updates.

Latest Updates

The Latest Updates area displays the status of the latest updates performed. This grid is configurable, by clicking the arrow next to the name of any grid column allows you to customize which columns that will be shown out of the following:




Date when the update was performed


Status of the update

At the bottom of the window, five options are available:



Upload rpm keys

This functionality is available only upon request. Contact our support team in case of need.

Upload Update Package

Used together with Generate Update Key. It is used to upload an update package for HIAB when the HIAB does not have any internet access.

Generate Update Key

It is used to generate a update key. It is most commonly used together with Upload Update Package.

Update Now

Start manual update.


Saves update settings.

The Update Package is bound to the generated key, in other words, it can only be uploaded on the specific HIAB on which the key was generated. Similarly, the key is bound to the HIAB on which it was generated.

Online Updating

When a HIAB is configured as a scanner in a distributed set up, then that scanner is updated through the defined scheduler over the encrypted TCP port 443.

A scheduler HIAB will instead connect directly to the external update server over TCP port 443.

Direct Update

To update the HIAB:

  1. Click the Update Now button in the lower right corner to start the update immediately.

  2. The update can take a couple of minutes or much longer sometimes. Do not disrupt this process if it takes longer duration. 

  3. Once the download is done, the system restarts.

  4. After you log in you are greeted with an announcement of a successful update with a link to the Release Notes.

Scheduled Update

In the Schedule section you can choose different date intervals for your update and also change the date when the next update will occur.

Schedule Update

To schedule an update:

  1. Set a date and time in Next update when to start looking for an update.

  2. Set the Frequency on how often the HIAB should check.
    - Hourly
    - Daily
    - Weekly
    - Fortnightly
    - Monthly
    - Quarterly

The HIAB will start looking for an update from the date you have set and repeat the process according to the set frequency. If an update is available, the HIAB automatically starts the update.

Offline Updating

Follow the steps below to update your HIAB without internet access.

  1. Launch the HIAB and open a web browser and connect to the HIAB by using its assigned network address.

Use HTTPS protocol.


Log in using your credentials.

  1. Go to Main Menu > Settings > Maintenance.

  2. At the bottom of the windows, click the Generate Update Key button to download the update key.

  3. Open a web browser and go to OUTSCAN,

  4. Go to Main Menu > Support.

  5. Select the HIAB Update Package tab.

  6. Click Upload update key to upload the key file you downloaded in #3. 

  7. Click Download Update Package on the bottom left of the page to start download the file.

  8. Go back to your HIAB.

  9. Click on Upload Update package.

  10. Select the file you downloaded in #8.

    Upload update package

  11. Click on Upload

The update can take a couple of minutes or much longer sometimes. Do not disrupt this process if it takes longer duration. 

The Update Package is bound to the generated key, in other words, it can only be uploaded on the specific HIAB on which the key was generated. Similarly, the key is bound to the HIAB on which it was generated.

The Update Package contains:

  • An SQL file with license information updates.

  • A key file containing a unique key for the HIAB. The key file does not contain any information about MAC or IP.

  • Rules update.

  • Exploits update.

  • Updated RPM packages.

Schedule Update


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Outpost24® and OUTSCAN™ are trademarks of Outpost24® and its affiliated companies. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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