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Finding New Agents In OUTSCAN


This document describes how to find new agents in OUTSCAN.

Finding New Agents In OUTSCAN

To find new agents in OUTSCAN:

  1. Log in to the OUTSCAN from which you downloaded the agent.

  2. Create a target group where you want your agents to end up.

  3. Create new Discovery scan schedule.

  4. Make sure to enable Agent Discovery checkbox.

  5. Select the group under Add Found Targets To Target Group.

  6. Save the schedule.

  7. Right click on the schedule and click Scan now.

  8. You can now monitor the progress of discovery in the Scan status tab inside Scan scheduling window.

  9. The scan finishes within a few seconds or at most a couple of minutes, provided a free slot is available and the scan starts.

  10. The new agent is now visible in your group.


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