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Removing an Agent from Windows


This document describes how to remove an agent from Windows.

Removing an Agent from Windows

To remove the agent from a Windows workstation:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps & Features.

  2. Search for Outpost24 Agent and click on it to open it.

  3. Click Uninstall.

  4. This can also be done from the command line by running the following command as a administrator:

    wmic product where "description='Outpost24 Agent' " uninstall

  5. Remove any residual files on these locations:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Outpost24

In Netsec

To remove an agent from the targets in Netsec:

  1. Go to Netsec > Manage Targets.

  2. Select the agent that should be removed.

  3. Click - Delete.

  4. Click the Selected targets button and confirm.

In the Portal

To remove an agent from the targets in the Portal:

  1. Go to Assets > Agents.


  2. Select the agent.

  3. Right click on the selected row and select Delete.

Do not forget to notify Outpost24 of the agent ID that should be decommissioned.


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