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SNMP (HIAB only)


This document provides set up information on the SNMP integration.


HIABs can pass events via SNMP and integrate into SIEM/Log management solutions.


  1. To set up SNMP, go to Main Menu > Settings > Integrations.
  2. Select the SNMP tab.

    Integrations Settings - SNMP

  3. Provide the below information to use SNMP:

    VersionSelect either 2 or 3 depending on the SNMP version you are using.
    HostProvide the hostname.
    PortProvide the port number SNMP is using to communicate.
    Default: 162
    CommunityAdd a password that is shared by multiple SNMP agents.
    PrefixEnter any word that you want to add as a prefix for each line.
    StatusClick on this button to check the network connectivity.
    SaveClick on this button to save the current settings.


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