Automatic Asset Joining With Netsec
This document describes the ways assets are automatically joined in the Portal.
Technical Preview
This document is a technical preview of a feature that is currently under development and may be hidden behind a feature flag.
Assets in Portal is a collection of of unique identifies that combined together makes up an asset, for example a web server will have a mac address, an IP, and a hostname. With the asset concept these are all tied together into one unit called Assets.
Automatic Asset Joining
Assets are constructed using a micro service that through different heuristics evaluate the matching between the asset identifiers found during a scan with the already existing assets in the database.
There are several different types of identifiers such as:
- IP
- Hostname
If multiple matches are found, the one with the highest score will be selected. If the service determines that none match ?enough? a new asset is established instead.
Assets related to SWAT, Snapshot, and Assure subscriptions will never be joined with assets constructed by the other products.
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