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User Groups


This document describes how to create user groups.


The Groups function enable you to bundle users together into simple groups to be presented in the group grid.

Groups function


Roles cannot be applied to groups, roles can only be applied on a user level.

Create Groups

To create a new group, click the + New option, or right click and All folder in the Groups tree and choose New.

Create Groups
Create Groups

To create a new subgroup, select a main group and click the + New option, or right click the group name and select New in the menu.

Create Sub-groups

Manage Groups

Populate Groups

Once a group is created, it can be populated with users.

To populate a group:

  1. Select the users by pressing Ctrl + Left click on each user in the User Account grid and drag them to the designated group.


A user can only be part of one group.

Moving Users Between Groups

Users can be moved freely between groups.

To move users to another group:

  1. Click the the group where the user resides in to list the group content in the User Account grid.
  2. Select the users by pressing Ctrl + Left click on each user you want to move. Then drag the user/users into the new group.


Users connect to a top level user will not be moved together with the top level user. Each user need to be moved individually or as a selected group.

Delete Groups

To delete a group, select the group in the Groups section, and click  Delete option, or right click the group and select Delete in the menu.

Delete Groups
Delete Groups


Deleting a group do not delete the users within the group. They go back to All folder .


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