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Access Tokens


This document provides the required steps to create Application Access Tokens.


The Application Access Tokens are generated keys that can be used instead of username/password. The key can be copied and sent into the request as the parameter APPTOKEN using the API. 

Create a Token

To create a token:

  1. Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Account.

    Security Policy tab

  2. Select the Security Policy tab.
  3. In the Application Access Tokens area click + New to open the Maintaining App Access Token window.

    Maintaining App Access Token

  4. Fill in the required information and click Save.

The new token is found in the list in the Application Access Tokens area.

Maintaining App Access Token Options

ActiveChecking this box will mark the token active.
NameIndicates the name of the Application.
IP RestrictionRestricting the IP address used by the application.
Access RightIndicates the type of access right.


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