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Two Factor Authentication


This document describe how to set up Two-factor authentication using either Mobile Security Code or Google Authenticator.


Two-factor authentication can be enabled and the mode of authentication is selected from Account Settings.
Either Mobile Security Code or Google Authenticator can be used for authentication.
The means used for authentication can be limited, depending on the options configured for two-factor authentication under Security Policy tab.

Set Up Two-Factor Authentication

To access the Account Settings module:

  1. Go to Main Menu > Settings > Account.
  2. Select the Account tab.

Account settings tab

For 2-Factor Authentication choose between the following in the drop-down menu:


No authentication other than specifying USER-ID and Password is needed.

Mobile Security Code

Mobile Security Code

OUTSCAN, and HIAB via OUTSCAN, support Two Factor Authentication via SMS tokens.

Upon login a six-digit security code will be sent to a specified mobile number of your choice, which can be used for additional authentication when logging in.


Some network providers do not process incoming text messages where the sender information is set, this is a known issue with some larger providers in Turkey and Malaysia, but may occur in other countries as well.
In those cases, the best option is to use the Google Authenticator instead.

The feature is provided as an enhancement option.

Google Authenticator

Google Authenticator

A mobile application that produces a random six-digit number which can be used for additional authentication when logging in.

To set up Mobile Security Code:

  1. Select Mobile Security Code in the 2-Factor Authentication drop-down menu.
  2. Test the connection by clicking on the Send Test SMS button.

To set up Google Authenticator:

  1. Select Google Authenticator in the 2-Factor Authentication drop-down menu.
  2. Click the Generate Credential ID button.

    Generate Credential ID

    An ID is generated together with a QR-code.

    Credential ID


    Hovering the mouse over the Credential ID displays the QR-code. 

  3. When Google Authentication is selected, enter the credential ID which is used to set up the account.

Method Enforcing

To enforce the two-factor authentication: 

  1. Go to Main Menu > Settings > Account
  2. Select the Security Policy tab.
  3. The Method Enforcing area determines the type of method used for authentication.
    In the drop-down menu select which authentication method to enforce.
    For 2-Factor Authentication, the available options are:

    None2-factor authentication is not enforced; however, each user can still use a 2-Factor authentication on his/her account.
    AnyThis option enforces users to choose between the two authentication methods mentioned above.
    Mobile Security CodeWhen this option is selected, a Mobile Security code is enforced as default on all users.
    Google AuthenticatorWhen this option is selected, Google Authenticator is enforced as default on all users.


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