2FA on User Accounts
This article describes how to set up a two-factor authentication (2FA) method on a user account in the Portal.
2FA (two-factor authentication) allows users to add an extra layer of security to their accounts by setting up one of the two 2FA methods available, SMS (short message service) or TOTP (Time-based one-time password), users can either receive a security code sent to their registered phone number or via an authenticator application.
Setting Up 2FA on User Accounts
When setting up 2FA, navigate to the portal IAM section and follow the instructions in this section for the selected 2FA method.
To navigate to this section,
Log in to OUTSCAN / HIAB.
Go to Main Menu > Portal.
Click the Account icon in the upper right corner.
Select the IAM card to access the IAM page.
This displays the Identity Access Management page which is divided in three tabs, Users, Roles, and Resource Groups.
To setup the SMS authentication:
In the Users tab, Edit a user or sub-user on the IAM page.
In the 2FA tab, select the SMS type. For the SMS type, the user is required to fill in their phone number on the USER tab else a warning is displayed.
Phone numbers are entered without any leading + or 0 and a minimum of 6 digits. Format:<countrycode><phone number>
Click on the RESEND CODE button after setting up a valid phone number.
Get the security code from the SMS that was sent to the phone number and fill in the Code text field.
Click UPDATE and re-login to verify if the 2FA works.
To setup the TOTP authentication:
In the 2FA tab, select the TOTP type. A secret QR code is then generated. A new code can be acquired by clicking the refresh
icon if needed.

Use an authenticator app to scan the QR code and get the security code.
Fill in the Code text field.
Click the UPDATE button and re-login to verify if the 2FA works.
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