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HIAB Enrollment


The purpose of this document is to provide information on how to enroll a new HIAB.


When a HIAB is installed it is in an unenrolled state which means that it cannot be used. The machine can be enrolled via the UI or via the HIAB console, regardless of how it is enrolled the HIAB gathers information and sends a request to OUTSCAN front-end machine.

If the HIAB is placed in a closed network and lack contact with the OUTSCAN front end, an Offline Enrollment is recommended. 

Once the enrollment is completed, the HIAB makes sure that all the correct and latest packages are installed.

After the enrollment, updates can be scheduled or forced by the user. See HIAB Updates for more information.

The HIAB needs to be registered to the correct account to be able to perform any scanning. Therefore, it needs to be paired with the Main Account, this is done through an enrollment process. 
You can enroll the appliance through console, portal interface, or through a Offline Enrollment

Console Enrollment

The very latest image available on Outscan needs to be used for a successful enrollment. See the HIAB Setup Guide on how to download a HIAB image.

HIAB Console Main Menu

To enroll using the console, perform the following steps:

  1. Select option m (Maintenance), from the main menu.

  2. Select option u (Update).

  3. Select option e to enroll.

  4. Insert the user name for the HIAB license, which you have received in an email from Outpost24 and press Enter.

  5. Type the password given in the email and press Enter.

  6. Enter custom outscan hostname (optional), or press enter for default

  7. Now the HIAB will connect to the update server and perform registration of the appliance.

Portal Interface Enrollment

The very latest image available on Outscan needs to be used for a successful enrollment. See the HIAB Setup Guide on how to download a HIAB image.

To enroll through the portal interface, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the HIAB UI by entering https://<hiab-ip> in a browser.

  2. Provide your details and click Enroll.


    You can also configure your Network settings and Activate Remote Support.

It is the main account on the OUTSCAN system that should be used, so if you have downloaded the virtual appliance then it is the same details that should be used. Alternatively, any account with the Allow enroll HIAB option checked can be used to enroll the appliance.

Offline Enrollment

To ensure a successful enrollment, always make sure that the very latest image is used. See the HIAB Setup Guide on how to download a HIAB image.

If the HIAB is placed in a closed network and lack contact with the OUTSCAN front end, an offline enrollment can be done. 

This function is only available from version 4.1.149 and onward.

  1. Go to the HIAB UI by entering https://<hiab-ip> in a browser.

  2. The enrollment window is displayed.

    HIAB Offline Enroll

  3. Click the Generate Enrollment Key button.

  4. An enrollmentkey.tar.gz file is created downloaded.

  5. Log in to the OUTSCAN

  6. Go to Main Menu > Support and click HIAB Enrollment Package tab.

  7. In the lower left corner, click on Upload enrollment key button.


  8. Select the enrollmentkey.tar.gz file by clicking the plus icon and click the Upload button.


  9. The enrollment key is uploaded and the update package is created.

    Update key status.png

  10. The file is downloaded to you drive.

  11. Go back to the HIAB and click Upload Enrollment Package button.


  12. Select the file from your drive and click the Upload button.


  13. The HIAB automatically starts the enrollment process.


The Enrollment Package is bound to the generated key, in other words, it can only be uploaded on the specific HIAB on which the key was generated. Similarly, the key is bound to the HIAB on which it was generated.

The Enrollment Package contains:

  • An SQL file with license information, containing username, name, email, and hashed password

  • A key file containing a unique key. The key file does not contain any information about MAC or IP

  • Rules update

  • Exploits update

  • Updated RPM packages

  • A certificate used for enrolling


Re-enrolling an old HIAB Image

When re-enrolling a HIAB to factory defaults or restoring a HIAB, an error message can be displayed stating that the HIAB image is no longer supported. This occurs when the build image was not one of the latest images, and needs to be updated.

To solve that issue , download the latest version and use that. The images can be downloaded from the Portal under the Account button in the upper right corner.

HIAB Enrollment Status


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