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HIAB Remote Support


This document describes the remote support service.


The remote support function allows the Outpost24 support to remotely access a customers HIAB through SSH.


To connect to Outpost24 remote support servers, the HIAB must be able to communicate outward to on TCP port 22, as well as have deep packet inspection disabled in the  firewall.


Any proxy need to be disable for the connection as this could interfere.

Activate Remote Support

By activating Remote Support, you allow the support team at Outpost24 to access the back-end of your HIAB. This is mainly used for troubleshooting if any issues occur during the operational use of your HIAB.

There are two ways of doing this, via the HIAB Console or through the HIAB GUI.

HIAB Console

HIAB Console Main Menu

  1. To Activate the Remote Support in the HAIB Console, press c while in the Main menu.
    To Deactivate, press c again.
  2. Retrieve a SSH-key by navigating to https://<HIABIP>/, where the HIABIP is the IP of the actual HIAB. By entering this URL you download a file which contains the key.
  3. Copy + Paste the the given public key into a support ticket.
  1. Log in to the HIAB GUI.
  2. Go to Main Menu > Support.
  3. Right click Enabling Remote Support allows support to connect to the machine.

  4. When the remote support has been enabled, please provide us with the public key located under Main Menu -> Support.

  5. Copy + Paste the the given public key into your support ticket.


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