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Generate Reports


This document describes how to generate and download reports in the portal interface.


Generating comprehensive reports from one or multiple assets allows for a detailed analysis of vulnerabilities or compliance issues associated with each asset. These reports can be customized to different levels of detail, including summary, management, or detailed views, to best meet the needs of the recipient. Reports can be generated in various formats such as PDF, Excel, or XML, and compressed into password-protected ZIP archives for secure delivery via email, direct download, or storage in the Report Library. Additionally, reports can be generated on demand or scheduled to cover specific timeframes, with scheduled reports being accessible in the Scheduled Reports view.

Scheduled reports are listed in the Scheduled Reports view.


It is assumed that the reader has basic access to the OUTSCAN/HIAB account. 

Generating Reports

Reports can be generated by selecting an item and click on the generate report Icon_Generate_Report.png icon located in the toolbar at the bottom.


or from the context menu when right-clicking an asset.


In any of the above cases, you are prompted with the Generate Report window.

Configuring a Report

  1. Select the kind of report that should be generated, Compliance or Vulnerability. 


    Select a template for the report from the custom or built-in templates in the dropdown menu. This step is optional.

    Click the blue NEXT button to continue with the configuration.

  2. The Confirm scope step lets you  re-check the scope for the report so that it covers the intended assets. Asset can be added by using the tags field and add assets with a specific tag. See Tags document for more  information.
    After confirming the scope, click NEXT to continue.


  3. Choose the report format and the level of details. 


    1. Select how detailed the generated report should be, Management, Summary, or Detailed. See Report Levels for more information.

    2. A report can be exported in the most commonly and widely used document formats. 

      The available reporting formats are:

      PDF - This is the most commonly used reporting format.
      Excel - The reports generated using excel format, have a lot of tabular information, which can be useful when reporting information to IT/Security department or similar divisions.
      XML - This format is the default industry standard used for data exchange and integration. The reports generated in XML format are typically used for integration and automation.

    3. Select if the report should include a executive summary.

    4. Select if the report should be compressed and if it should be password protected

    5. Click NEXT to continue.

  4. Choose the report delivery type:


    1. Select  Download to generate a report to be available under the all downloads Icon_All_Downloads.png icon in the right corner of the toolbar. See Download Report for more information.

If you select Download, you cannot configure the report schedule.

b. Select Send by email and enter one or more users to send the generated report by email. 

c. Select Send to Report Library and enter a name and a tag for the report to save the generated report in the Report Library

  1. Select when the reports should be generated. Now generate the report immediately, but reports can also be scheduled for reoccurring delivery by using an existing schedule or create a new schedule.


When creating a new schedule, fill in the schedule form.



Scheduled report name 

Provide a name for the Scheduled report.

Schedule name

Provide a name for the schedule.


Set a time with a time zone when the schedule must be triggered. The time value is saved in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and the offset corresponds to the system time in the user web browser and therefore might differ for users accessing the schedule options in different time zones.

Example: A schedule time set to 10:00 in July (summer time) by a user located in Copenhagen (UTC+2) appears as 09:00 to a user located in London (UTC+1) at the same time.

Recurrence / Every

Determines the frequency of the schedule. Select one of the available options in the menu:


Once - The schedule is set to run only once on a select start date. 

Hour - Set the recurrence window by providing the Number of Hours.

Day - Set the recurrence window by providing the Number of Days in this field. 
Example: If set to 2, it means that the schedule runs once in every 2 days.

Week - Select the days of the week for the schedule.

Month - Select the occurrence of days, weekday, day of the month for the schedule.

Year - Select the day of year for the schedule.

On these days

Determines what days of the week the schedule should run. Select one of the available options in the menu.

Occurrence of the weekday

Determines occurrence of the selected weekday the schedule should run.

2,3 - will schedule 2nd and 3rd selected weekday in the month

Day of the month

Determines what day of the month the schedule should run.

4,8,10 - will schedule 4th, 8th, and 10th day of the month

Starts on

Set the start date for the schedule. 

Ends on

Set an end date for the schedule. The schedule becomes inactive after this date.

Ends after_occurrences

Set the number of occurrences the schedule must be triggered before it becomes inactive.

Never ends

If set, the schedule never becomes inactive.

Click NEXT to create the scheduled report. The scheduled reports can be viewed under Automation in the task bar.

  1. Set the time frame for the report. 


    The selected timeframe indicates that the report should cover the findings within the selected period.


When you select Last month, all findings seen in the last month is then included in the report. 

Choose Custom to select the dates to include the findings found during that period in the exported report.

  1. Click on GENERATE button to start generating the report.

If all assets or asset groups related to a scheduled report configuration are deleted, the scheduled report configuration will be automatically removed.

Download a Report

The Download Report view presents the list of generated reports that are ready to be downloaded:

To download a report:

  1. Click the all downloads Icon_All_Downloads.png icon to the upper right of the window.

  2. Select the report you want to download in the list and click the download Icon_Download.png icon.


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