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This document describes how to add personal attributes in the columns. 


In the Attributes tab, you can define up to ten custom attributes which can be used throughout the system. They can also be configured to only allow predefined values.


These attributes become available in the following sections depending on their configuration: 

  • Users

  • Target 

  • Reports

  • Scheduling

  • Discovery

Configure Attributes

To configure a custom attribute,  

  1. Go to Main Menu > Settings > Account.

  2. Select Attributes tab.

  3. Right click on any undefined fields and click Edit to open the Edit Attribute window.

    Edit Attribute

  4. Provide a name for the column to be added.


  5. Enable Active field.

  6. Configure the attribute according to options described in the Attribute Options table below. 

  7. Click Save.

Active field needs to be checked to make all the other check-boxes available. Also, Target field needs to be checked to make Reporting available.

Attribute Options table



Field Name

Specifies the name of the custom attribute.


If checked the attribute will be active in the system.


Creates a column in Manage Users, which is set when creating or editing a user.


Creates a column in Manage Targets, which is set when editing a target or labeling a target group.


Creates a column in Manage Targets and the Findings tab in Reporting Tools, which can be set when editing a target or labeling a target group. Only usable if target is selected.


Creates a column in the Scan Schedules tab in Scan Scheduling, which can be set when creating or editing a scan schedule.


Creates a column in the Vulnerability Database, and in the Findings tab in Reporting Tools. This attribute can be set by editing an entry in the Vulnerability Database by right clicking the entry to edit and choose Edit Attributes.


Creates a column in the Findings tab in Reporting Tools, which can be set by editing an entry in the Findings tab by right clicking and select Edit Attributes.

Export report

Choose in what section of an exported report the attributes will be presented in. UserTarget, and Scheduling are not presented in the exported reports.

  • None: The attribute will not be included in any reports.

  • Details: The attribute will be included in both PDF and XML reports.

  • Host Summary: The attribute will be included in both Excel and XML reports.

  • All: The attribute will be included in PDF, Excel, and XML reports.


If an attribute field exists for an entity, the attribute field requires a value.

Field Type

This selects a specific type of input that can be used in the attribute.

  • Text: Input of strings.

  • Combo: Toggle a drop-down menu with values specified in Accepted Values.

  • Checkbox: Creates a checkbox for the attribute which allow the attribute to be checked or not checked.

  • Number: Only allows numbers to be entered in the attribute, ranges can be specified in Accepted Values.

  • Date: Allow the attribute to select a date through a calendar.

Acceptable Values

Accepted values for the Combo and Number attributes.

  • Combo: Specify values that is shown in the combo attribute, to separate values use the pipe | symbol, for example Mr|Mrs|Miss|Dr and so on.

  • Number: Specify an allowed range that can be entered in the attribute, for example 35-70.

Acceptable Values is only visible if Combo or Number has been selected in Field Type.


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