This document provides a comprehensive overview of the Solutions View, describing its functionalities, visualization types, and data interlinks within visible views.
The Solutions View is a crucial component in managing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. It provides a holistic overview of the views functionalities, visualizations, and data interconnections within visible views. From access and layout, to interactive features and top 10 solutions, this document aims to empower users with practical insights. It ensures that users can efficiently leverage the Solutions View for effective cybersecurity management.
Solutions View
To access the Solutions View, navigate to Findings > Solutions.
The Solutions View is segmented into four main parts:
On the left-hand side, an expandable Web Applications & Asset bar facilitates data filtration across other panels when a specific asset is selected. This mirrors the functionality of the assets panel in the Vulnerabilities view.
The upper-left panel is a visualization depicting the top 10 solutions based on findings.
The upper-right panel is a table that captures all the identified solutions, derived from the pool of findings.
The bottom panel shows a findings table which mirrors the functionality of the findings panel in Vulnerabilities.
The vertical adjustment of a slider bar between the upper panels and the bottom panel allows for modifications to the height of the findings table, impacting both the solutions visualization and table.
Top 10 Solutions
The Top 10 Solutions are represented as a pie chart and are found in the left upper corner of the view. This chart represents a broken down version of top 10 Solutions visible in the table to the right. The size of the pie slices represents the percentage of findings that could be resolved by implementing the solution.
The visualization is interactive - by clicking on any of its slices, it automatically filters the findings in the table below to display only those matching the selected solution. On the right-hand side, the Solutions table will also highlight the corresponding row to match the selection made on the pie chart.
Clicking once again on the same pie slice deselects any solutions filters and restores the findings table to the previous state.
Solutions Table
In the upper-right panel, the Solutions table allows users to apply filters to the findings table below by clicking on specific rows.
To deselect, click on the highlighted row. This table incorporates standard filters and columns, functioning similarly to other interactive tables.
By clicking the filter bar next to the Top 10 solutions visualization, you expand the column list available to Solutions. Select any Column to view in the main window. The available options are described below.
Option | Format | Description |
Assets | The number of assets impacted by the solution. | |
Critical | The number of immediate threat vulnerabilities. | |
High | A count of significant compromise risks. | |
Medium | Total of potential harm vulnerabilities. | |
Low | The sum of minor threat vulnerabilities. | |
Product | The place where the vulnerability was found, be it a product or scanning. | |
Recommendations | The amount of recommended changes for improved security. | |
Risks | The amount of findings affected. | |
Solution | A full solution description. | |
Title | Short remediation title. | |
Type | Indicates the category of a solution. | |
UUID | A unique identifier of the solution. |
Assets Panel and Findings Table
For a detailed understanding of how the Findings view operates, refer to the Vulnerabilities section for an overview.
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