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How To Accept a Risk


This document describes how to accept a risk, to prevent it from appearing during the scans.


If a risk cannot be mitigated right away, that risk can be accepted to prevent it from being picked up by the tool every time a scan runs.

The risk can be accepted for a short period of time. The time period is fully customizable.

Accepting a Risk

  1. In the Portal, go to Findings > Vulnerabilities.

  2. Select a vulnerability and right click it.


  3. In the context menu, select Accept Risk.

  4. Fill in the date for how long the risk should be accepted to and a comment.


If no comment is given, a default message/comment stating “Transitioned finding status from <original status> to <new status> without user's comment." is saved as a activity log to assist with the reviewing of the finding’s history.

The customer can also transition non-SWAT findings from other status like FALSE_POSITIVE, FIXED or ACCEPTED.



  1. Click Accept.



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