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Configure Application Gateway for HIAB on Azure


This document describes how to configure Azure Application Gateway to both protect and give access to an HIAB deployed on Azure.


Azure Application Gateway provides an application delivery controller (ADC) as a service. It offers various layer 7 load-balancing capabilities for your applications. This service is highly available, scalable, and fully managed by Azure.


As a requirement you need a running HIAB deployed on Azure (with or without a public IP).

Step-by-step guide

To configure an Azure Application Gateway to act as a Web Application Firewall (WAF) in front of your running HIAB, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Create or obtain a certificate for your HIAB and the Application Gateway

  2. Configure Application Gateway for HIAB on Azure#Configure HIAB CA and Certificate

  3. Create a specific Subnet in your existing Virtual Network

  4. Create an Application Gateway and adjust some settings (certificate and CAs, backend health check timeout, etc...)

In case you do not have valid CA and certificate, we will show how to generate a self-signed CA and certificate using OpenSSL tool.

Creating a Self-Signed CA and a Certificate using OpenSSL

  1. Creating a self signed RootCA can be done by using the following command:

    openssl genrsa -f4 -out self_signed_ca_pkey.pem 4096
    openssl req -new -x509 -key self_signed_ca_pkey.pem -out self_signed_ca_crt.pem -days 365 -sha256

  2. Creating a Certificate signed by the self-signed RootCA can be done by issuing the following command line:

    openssl x509 -req -in hiab_csr.pem -CA self_signed_ca_crt.pem -CAkey self_signed_ca_pkey.pem -CAcreateserial -out hiab_crt.pem -sha256 -days 365 -extfile ext.conf

  3. The OpenSSL extension file ext.conf can be filled with the following extensions:

    # Optional Alternative Name in case the same server is having different FQDN name
    subjectAltName = @alt_names
    [ alt_names ]
    DNS.1 =

  4. Export the self-signed CA and the certificate to a (password protected) PKCS#12 format for adding it to the Azure Application Gateway, which can be done as follows:

    openssl pkcs12 -export -out hiab_cert_chain.pfx -in hiab_crt.pem -inkey hiab_pkey.pem -CAfile self_signed_ca_crt.pem

Configure HIAB CA and Certificate

CA Certificate requirement

Pay attention that the CA Certificate file does NOT contain the HIAB certificate. This MUST be a PEM formatted file containing the CA and subCA

In the HIAB UI:

  1. Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Server to open the Server Settings panel. Then select the Certificate tab and add the HIAB CA and certificate as follow.

    Server Settings - Certificate

  2. Click Save button in the bottom right corner.

  3. Check the CA and Certificate installation by using OpenSSL command line tool and the following command line:

    openssl s_client -connect <HIAB_IP>:443 -showcerts > test_openssl_hiab.txt 2>&1

  4. Open the output file test_openssl_hiab.txt and verify the CA and certificate. Here is an example of such content showing both CA and certificate.

    depth=1 C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
    verify return:1
    depth=1 C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    verify return:1
    depth=0 C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    verify return:1
    Certificate chain
     0 s:C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
       i:C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
     1 s:C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
       i:C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    Server certificate
    subject=C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    issuer=C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    Verification error: self signed certificate in certificate chain

    In this case the self-signed CA is detected and this can be circumvented by using -CAfile option in OpenSSL command line tool as follow.

    openssl s_client -connect <HIAB_IP>:443 -showcerts -CAfile self_signed_ca_crt.pem > test_openssl_hiab.txt 2>&1

    Output will look like this.

    depth=1 C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    verify return:1
    depth=0 C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    verify return:1
    Certificate chain
     0 s:C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
       i:C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
     1 s:C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
       i:C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    Server certificate
    subject=C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    issuer=C = FR, ST = France, L = Sophia Antipolis, O = Outpost24, OU = R&D Dept., CN =
    Verification: OK

Create a Subnet for Azure Application Gateway

In your Azure portal, you need to add a Subnet in your Virtual Network containing the Subnet where you HIAB is deployed.

Adding a Subnet in Azure Virtual Network may require to add an Address Space first, to be able to specify this address space while creating the subnet.

Create and Configure the Azure Application Gateway

  1. In your Azure portal, open Azure Application Gateways and click on Add button to create an Application Gateway for your HIAB.

    Create Application Gateway

  2. Fill all required field according to your settings and giving a proper name.
    While configuring your virtual network, choose the virtual network where your HIAB is deployed as Virtual Network and the newly created subnet as Subnet.

  3. Configure a back-end pool and add your running HIAB.
    While Adding a routing rule, do NOT forget to select HTTPS protocol and select Upload a certificate in Https Settings as follow.

    Adding a routing rule

    Azure is only able to handle PFX extensions for PKCS#12 certificate chain. In case of a different extension of your PKCS#12, just rename it as a .pfx file.

  4. Then Click on Add button to create the Azure Application Gateway.

  5. While configuring HTTP Setting, ensure you set HTTPS for back-end protocol and add your CA certificate as follow.

    HTTP Setting

    Azure is only able to handle CER extensions for base64 certificate (PEM encoding). In case of a different extension of your certificate, just rename it as a .cer file.

  6. Also ensure you override the hostname accordingly to the CN of your Certificate.



  1. Microsoft documentation about Azure Application Gateway -

  2. A online troubleshooting helper for "Bad Gateway (502)" error can be found here: Azure Application Gateway with bad gateway (502) errors ( 

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