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Chapter 07: Using Tasks

Using Tasks

Tasks are scheduled in Pulse to perform scans, updates, and run custom scripts associated with a sensor or group of sensors. Tasks are references throughout this User Guide, as associated with specific workflows. All tasks run a non-interactive routine as Root from the sensor. This chapter provides an overview of the use of Tasks.

Typical Tasks:

Creating a New Task

Create a new task as follows:

  1. Log into Pulse and open the Tasks tab.
  2. Click Add Task.
  3. On the New Task page, complete task settings.

    New Task

    NameAssign name for task.
    EnabledBy default, the task will be enabled.
    Script Select the Script that the task will execute.
    VariableWhere a variable is defined, such as target network this field is available
    Add toSelect whether to run this task against a single sensor, or a group of sensors.
    Starts atSchedule when you want the task to run—default is the current time. By default, this is current time.
    RepeatsSelect whether and how frequently to repeat the task.

  4. Click Save.

The task begins automatically at the specified start time, and runs against the sensors selected.

Editing/Deleting a Task

To edit or delete a task that has already been created:

  1. Log into Pulse and open the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the task to be edited from the task list.
  3. Make desired edits to the task. To keep the task history, but stop running, deselect Enabled. Delete the task by selecting Delete above the task name.
  4. Click Save.

Reviewing a Task Output

When a task is set up to return an output, the output can be reviewed as follows:

  1. Log into Pulse and open the Tasks tab.
  2. If a task has returned an output, the task will show a Results button on the task list. Click Results.
  3. Review results. Where a task is recurring and/or set for multiple sensors, select the appropriate entry from the Completed Runs list to review.


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