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Chapter 04: Managing Sensors

Managing Sensors

Sensors are deployed throughout your enterprise, and centrally managed through Pulse.

The Sensors tab provides an overview of all sensors, their status, and a breakdown of detected assets by type. On the Sensors tab, you can filter sensors by Sensor Status, and Sensor Type (Pwnie Express product model). You can also use the search bar to search for sensors by name.

Each sensor can be individually selected for a unique dashboard view that provides an interface for Service and Settings management for the sensor, Specific Asset, Count, and Type breakout and Group designation.

Sensor Updates

To ensure sensor hardware is running the latest version of the Pwnix software (sensor Operating System package), schedule a weekly task through Pulse to update sensor software automatically.

Setting Automatic Updates

To set automatic updates:

  1. Create a New Task for the sensor.
  2. Name the task Weekly Update, and select System: Update Script.
  3. Set the Repeats to Weekly from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Save.

Sensor Status History

To keep track of sensor up-time, a graph of total sensor connectivity over time is available.

Viewing Sensor Status History

To view a history of sensor status:

  1. Open the Sensors tab.
  2. Zoom and scroll through time for a historical summary view of sensor status.

Sensor Groups

For ease of applying alerts and tasks to multiple sensors, you can apply tags to sensor groups. Each sensor can be assigned to multiple groups.

Sensor Groups

Assigning a Sensor to a Group

To assign a sensor to a group:

  1. Open the Sensors tab and click the sensor to be assigned.
  2. Click Assign Group and enter the Group Name.

Removing a Sensor from a Group

To remove a sensor from a group:

On the sensor’s page, click X next to the name of the group.


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