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Chapter 13: Custom Scripts

Custom Scripts

You can create custom scripts for diagnostics, additional network/device scans, to identify specific services, or any specific network reconnaissance. The Scripts section is a built-in programming editor you can use to create or paste any non-interactive Bash, Ruby, or Python script that you can run on your sensor as a custom task.


Pulse does not support the creation of interactive scripts.

Creating a New Script 

  1. Open the Scripts tab.
  2. Select Add a script.
  3. Enter a Name for the script, and select Ruby, Python or Bash.
  4. Input, or build out your script.
  5. Click Save.

Creating a New Script

Custom Variables

When creating a script in Pulse, you can define custom variables. After a new custom variable is defined, Pulse dynamically adds it as a custom option when the script is scheduled to run as a custom task. You can re-use the script in varying contexts, without rewriting the script to meet new requirements. For example, you can use a custom variable to specify the required switches of a particular command. Use double curly braces ( {{ }} ) to enclose custom variables within the script itself. Text inside the double braces are used as the variable’s name.

Custom Variables

Running a Script

You use Tasks to run scripts. The new script is available in the Tasks drop-down list when creating a new task.

Running a Script

The task will run the script with the permissions of the Root user on the sensor. Any results written to STDOUT or STDERR are recorded and returned to Pulse as results.

Script output is located in the Task section of Pulse. On the Tasks tab, click Results for the custom task that ran the script.


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