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Release Notes June 2024


Release Date: 2024-06-25

Coming Soon: New login page for & HIAB Appliances

As we are approaching the general availability of a new User Interface for our Vulnerability Scanning products, Portal, we want to make sure it is as convenient as possible for users to access both the current UI, and the new Portal UI, and will introduce a new single login page for both UI’s.

This will be available no earlier than September 2024, and over the coming months, we will begin to share screenshots of the new login page to ensure everyone is familiar with the new look & feel.

Note: Movement and migration to the new user interface for existing Vulnerability Management customers will begin in Q3 and will likely extend into 2025.

We will be running a series of introduction webinars during Q3, as well as Q&A sessions. A series of online training will be made available for those who wish to use this.

For those customers who already use our Application Security products, then you will already be familiar with the new UI as we are merging our Appsec and Vulnerability Scanning into a single security assessment platform.

Important notice

As our business grows, and with more customers joining us, it has been necessary to grow our infrastructure accordingly to ensure we can continue to offer an ever-improving level of service to our customers.

To meet these needs, it has been necessary to extend the IP range from which scanning may originate.

The additional IPv6 range from which scans may originate is:


This is in addition to our existing network ranges of:



These IP ranges are exclusive to Outpost24, and any IP whitelisting for PCI ASV scans should include these ranges.

Deprecation of SWAT Assets and SWAT Findings in Portal

As part of our ongoing efforts to migrate all Appsec functionality to Portal, please note that both SWAT Findings and SWAT Assets have been removed from Portal as of June 2024. Those sections had been marked as deprecated for a long time now. As disclosed in the EOL Announcements, SWAT Classic will be deprecated as of October 1st, 2024. Customers who are still using Classic should begin the onboarding process.

New Features


  • Improved variable selection for Event Notifications by adding an autocomplete dropdown that will filter out as you type:


  • Default View Template selection: You may now designate any View Template as the default by selecting the template and selecting the Set as Default option, meaning the saved view will be automatically used when loading the view.


  • As announced previously in the release notes, SWAT Findings and SWAT Assets views have been removed from Portal. Users can still access those findings and assets from the generic Findings and Assets views.

Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements


  • Fixed an issue where a / would be added at the end of the seed URL when saving scan configurations, causing issues with certain scan target configurations.

  • Asset Groups view performance has been improved, reducing overall loading times.


  • Asset Name and Asset Identifier columns are now shown by default in the Findings and Assets views respectively.

  • A Ports column has now been added to the Vulnerability view to quickly see what Port number the vulnerability was found on.

  • Fixed an issue where the option to view Portal in French was not working as expected.

  • Added a new type of trigger for Event Notifications, Finding seen. This will be triggered whenever a finding has been previously found and the scanner see’s the exact same finding again. In addition, the Finding Modified, in Event Notifications will only trigger should a manual modification be made to the finding.

Agent Version

Agent Version: 1.29.19

Packet Version: teddy-salad-pkg-1.29.19-1.el7

  • The latest Agent version will report back more detailed diagnostic information to help with trouble shooting.

For more information about Agent versions, see Agent Latest Version.

Vulnerability Detection Update

The latest updates are published here: Vulnerability Detection Update.

End of Life Announcement

SWAT Classic

We are announcing the End of Life of the SWAT Classic UI. Due to feedback from customers we have extended the end of Life date for the SWAT Classic UI to the October 1st, 2024.

  • Official End of Life date: October 1st, 2024

  • Official End of Support date: March 2024

Scanning over SSHv1

We will no longer be supporting scanning over SSHv1 as of March 2024, and will therefore drop support for this and all of the associated ciphers.

  • Official End of Life date: September 2023

  • Official End of Support date: July 2023


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