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Run Verification Scans


This document describe how to start a verification scan. 


Starts a verification scan that checks if the finding still exist on the target. 

How to verify a scanned target


Before you start make sure that the Verified column is activated to show the status of the findings.

To activate the column:

  1. Click on the down pointing arrow in any column heading.
  2. Select Columns > Verified in the displayed menu.



To verify a scanned target:

  1. Click on Main Menu > Netsec > Reporting Tools.
  2. Select a group in Target Group.
  3. In the Findings tab, right click on the finding that should be scanned and select Verify.
  4. The Verify Findings window is displayed.

    Verify Findings

  5. To scan directly select Scan Now in the Scan Scheduling menu, or set up a later scan using the Scan Later function.

    Scan NowStarts a scan immediately.
    Scan LaterActivates the date and time settings to set up a scan at a later time.
    Cancel ScansRemoves a preprogrammed scan.
  6. Click Save and the scan starts automatically.


After running the verification scan the Verified column status changes reflecting the result of the scan.

Not verifiedThe finding has a vulnerability that has not been verified
No Longer PresentThe vulnerability has been solved and verified
Still presentThe vulnerability has not been solved, and the vulnerability is still present


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