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Unable To Login To The Sensor's Web UI Using Firefox

When using Firefox, some users may be unable to login to the sensor's web-based UI.

SYMPTOMS: When using Firefox, the login prompt for the sensor's web-based UI is provided to the user as it normally would, but after entering the proper username/password and clicking the Login button, the page is refreshed and the same Login prompt displayed. From the user's perspective, it appears the username/password combination is invalid, though there is no indication stating this.

CAUSE: Our developers are currently researching the issue, but it appears Firefox may be incompatible based upon a setting or configuration.

RESOLUTION: Until a definitive cause is identified and a resolution provided, using a different web browser , for example Chrome, is recommended.


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JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.