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Troubleshooting checklists

Issue descriptionChecklistTroubleshooting commands

  • Does the customer have an active subscription for the product?
  • If HIAB, does the appliance have all the recent packages and updates?


No vulnerabilities found for product X

  • Was the product detected as a component?
  • Was the version detected?

Scanner - scheduler connectivity errors

Connection Error
  • Is the scheduler and scanner in the same subnet?
  • Can the scanner ping the scheduler?
  • Does the scanner have the same software version as the scheduler?


No vulnerabilities found on URL X

  • Is the list of seed URLs correct?
  • Are the seed URLs reachable from Outpost24 IP range?
  • Was the scan ran with both active and passive testing?

curl + the URL of the website

Authentication doesn't seem to work
  • Does the login URL in the script establish the authenticated state (and is not just the page with the login form)?

Cookie missing flag not reported (Secure or HttpOnly)
  • Is the cookie missing the flag when visiting the website in the web browser?
  1. Go to the website in your web browser and inspect which flags are set on the cookie.
  2. Run a scan from SWAT to see if it's detected there.
CSRF not reported


SSH Authentication error

Failed: Couldn't connect
Failed to init connection
  • Are all KEX, MAC and ciphers presented by the target supported by the embedded libssh version?


The appliance doesn't update

  • Is the time correct on the appliance?
  • Is there any space left on the disk?


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