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Scan Scheduling Errors


The purpose of this article is to provide a list of error codes and error message texts.


This article contains a listing of the error codes and the error message texts that may be displayed when running the Scanner.

Error Messages



Virtual Host(s) does not resolve to the target IP

Scanner reports this error when you add virtual host(s) to add the target that cannot be resolved to the target IP.

Instance XXX was not found

The Amazon instance is not reachable by the scanner or does not exists anymore.

Instance type XXX is not supported

Instance type is not supported by the Outpost24 scanner, for example, because of Amazon scanning policy.

Instance XXXX has no public IP

Public IP missing from the instance.

Error during web authentication procedure

The web authentication procedure failed.

Target is missing in the system

The target no longer exists in the system.

Report is missing in the system

The report for SLS no longer exists.

Maximum duration reached, terminated scan

Due to timed out scans.

Could not connect to scanner

When the system cannot connect to the scanner you have selected. In the Distribution section of the system it can be verified when the system was last able to successfully communicate with the scanner. Different level of information about the scanner are also available in the Distribution section.

Scans are already running against the targets

Scans are already running.

Scanner not approved or inactive

This may be reported when the scanner is not approved or have been removed from the system. In the Distribution section of the system it can be verified when the system was last able to successfully communicate with the scanner. Different level of information about the scanner are also available in the Distribution section.

Invalid AWS credentials

Check if your Amazon Web Service (AWS) setup under the Integrations section is up to date.

Could not start SLS, database missing

Unable to connect to the database.

Too many applications defined

This error is related to the consumption of the license and can occur if the license limit is already consumed/reached.

Scan/IP license limit exceeded

An error occurred during discovery, error code: Some error doing discovery. This is mostly reported when discovery scan fails or stopped.

No seed URLs found

URL seed missing.


This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Outpost24 support organization. The information contained herein is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice.


© 2025 Outpost24® All rights reserved. This document may only be redistributed unedited and unaltered. This document may be cited and referenced only if clearly crediting Outpost24® and this document as the source. Any other reproduction and redistribution in print or electronically is strictly prohibited without explicit permission.


Outpost24® and OUTSCAN™ are trademarks of Outpost24® and its affiliated companies. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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