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Release Notes February 2021

Release Date: 2021-02-23

Version: G4.24.8.0

Advance Notice on Exploit Available in Netsec

In the March release we hope to be able to introduce a new source of exploit available information based on our partnership with Cyr3con. The goal is to further improve both the coverage as well as the quality of those vulnerabilities with exploits available as determined by the threat intelligence feed that forms the basis of the Farsight risk based vulnerability management module. Once this is released, you will see more vulnerabilities showing exploit available across all CVSS levels at no additional cost to you. Where specific exploit sources have been identified as originating from this threat intelligence feed, we will be obfuscating the exploit source information unless you are an existing user of the Farsight RBVM module. 

As a result, where customers are tracking exploit available as a metric for vulnerability remediation, it is possible, depending on the vulnerabilities identified in your estate you may see an increase in one or more of your tracked categories (critical, high, medium etc).

New Features


  • Updated the Identity Provider integration to add greater flexibility
    The  Subject Attribute can now be configured for those integrations where UID is either not available or is not the preferred field to use. For those customers who already have the integration configured, the field will be set as UID, the current default.

Appsec Scale

  • Added links to Secure Code Warrior for findings with a CWE
    Where an Appsec finding is linked to a CWE we have introduced direct links to Secure Code Warrior eLearning training platform. This gives users the ability to understand what the vulnerability is and more importantly how to address these findings within their development process. Customers do not have to be customers of Secure Code Warrior (SCW) to enjoy the learning modules presented, though customers who are SCW customers may get further insights as well as tracking scores and other metrics.

Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements


  • Fixed an issue with SWAT logins.


  • The Agent default call home frequency is now displayed for all, not just those that have been changed from the default.
  • Fixed an issue where discovered AWS instances could not be scanned and would instead report back that the instance did not have a public IP address.
  • Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, scans could still be sent to an offline scanner.
  • Fixed an issue where restoring from a backup may result in an error.
  • Fixed an issue with how some issues are displayed in solution based reporting where they may display a blank field instead of the necessary information.


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