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Pwn Plug R3 - Enable BIOS Settings to Auto-Power On

Some users may find that after a Pwn Plug R3 suffers an unexpected power outage, it does not come back on, i.e. auto-power on.  This is a result of a setting not being enabled in the BIOS.

If it is desired to have the Pwn Plug R3 automatically power on after encountering an unexpected power outage, please perform the following steps:

  1. With the sensor powered off, attach an HDMI monitor and a USB keyboard, optionally connect a USB mouse.
  2. Next, reboot the sensor and press the F2 key as it boots to enter the Intel Visual BIOS.
  3. Select Advanced Setup from the upper right corner.
  4. Next, select the Power menu.
  5. Under Secondary Power Settings locate the After Power Failure option and set it to Last State.
  6. Save and exit the BIOS by hitting the F10 key.


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