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Netsec Scan Stages


This document describes the different Netsec scan stages.

Scan Stages

Discovery scan

The Discovery scan sends packages over multiple protocols. If the scanner gets anything back from the target, the target is confirmed to be alive.

Vulnerability scan

There are six stages.

  1. Portscan - Sends packages to approximately 5500 ports (default specified port range) for UDP and TCP protocols to find open ports on the target.
  2. Fingerprint - This stage uses the ports which were found open in the Portscan stage, to see which services are available on the target.
  3. Scanning - It collects the information from the target such as, platform, directories, and versions.
  4. Web scan (optional) - This is applicable only for web applications. It crawls over every link found and collects the information about it.
  5. Detection - Compares the information collected in the scanning phase with the Outpost24 vulnerability database.
  6. Report - Reports all findings found during the scan. 


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