Invitation Email or Password Reset Email not Being Received by the Recipient
From within Pulse, any user designated with Admin access can go to TOOLS | USERS, to invite other users to become either an Admin or Tester to Pulse.
After the information is provided an email (invitation) will be sent to the specified individual and contained within the message body will be a hyperlink (URL) providing the recipient with the ability to click, then visit Pulse and specify a password to establish their user account. Once a password has been created, the user will then be able to access Pulse with the level of access granted.
On some occasions the email invitation may not be received by the intended recipient. Often, this can be attributed to a Junk Mail filter in use by the recipients email client software. Similarly, the email invitation may be falsely identified as spam by the recipients mail server.
For reference the FROM address of the email invitation will be
with subdomain reflecting that of the Pulse environment.
Ensuring this email address or preferably the domain itself (
) is in the Whitelist of any mail filtering solution in use will likely resolve the issue of the email invitation not being received by the recipient.
For additional reference we are historically aware hosted mail providers (i.e. TrendMicro, Bulletproof, etc.) have mistakenly blocked these emails as well as alerts/notifications originating from Pulse. If you use a hosted mail provider please ensure they are not blocking/denying incoming SMTP connections from the following: ( ( ( ( (
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