How to Upgrade from Kali Moto to Kali Rolling
1. Use SSH and login to the sensor with the pwnie user account.
2. Next, type sudo su
and press Enter, then re-type the password to become superuser.
3. Type px-connection-dr
and press Enter to validate the sensor has connectivity to the update servers. If there is any failure indicated, this would need to be resolved before continuing.
4. Assuming all connectivity checks passed, type /opt/pwnix/chef/ autoupgrade
and press Enter to begin the upgrading of the OS from Kali Moto to Kali Rolling.
When this process begins, it may take anywhere as long as two hours to finish. During this time, the sensor will download a large number of packages and updates. When finished it will begin the installation, upgrading the OS. The sensor may reboot once or twice. Please do NOT do anything with the sensor while this process is being performed.
After two hours have passed since the time the process was started, you may confirm the process of upgrading has finished successfully if you login using SSH (steps one and two above) and review the banner.
If all is successful, you should see the sensor running Pwnix Release 1.8.7, which is the latest release as of May, 2017. Next, type sudo lsb_release -r
and press Enter to review the results. If the upgrade was successful, you should see the following:root@pwnix-c03fd56cca23:/home/pwnie# lsb_release -r
Release: kali-rolling
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