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How to Install Rapid7 NeXpose on the Pwn Pro Plus


The ability to install/use Rapid7's NeXpose is only possible with the Pwn Pro Plus.

  1. Power on the Pwn Pro and login to the sensor via SSH or Reverse SSH using the pwnie user account.
  2. Next, type sudo su and press Enter, then re-type the password to become superuser.
  3. Next, type px-connection-dr and press Enter to verify the sensor is capable of connectivity to the Internet and acquiring updates. Assuming it is, type px-system-update and press Enter to update the sensor.
  4. From a different system, go to and download the “Linux 64-Bit” installation package of Rapid7 NeXpose. Afterwards transfer the installation package to the Pwn Pro using a USB stick, SCP, WinSCP, or other file transfer method(s).
  5. After the update has completed and you are returned to a # prompt, change directories to where the installation package is located, then type chmod +x NeXposeSetup-Linux64.bin and press Enter to change permissions of the file and make it executable.
  6. Next, type ./NeXposeSetup-Linux64.bin –c and press Enter to begin the process of installation on the Pwn Pro.
  7. Upon completion of the installation process, from a different system, open a web browser and go to https://x.x.x.x:3780
    Where x.x.x.x is the IP address assigned to the Pwn Pro sensor
  8. Once connected to the NeXpose UI, login using the account specified during installation, then proceed to configure as desired.


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