How to Install Rapid7 NeXpose on the Pwn Pro Plus
The ability to install/use Rapid7's NeXpose is only possible with the Pwn Pro Plus.
- Power on the Pwn Pro and login to the sensor via SSH or Reverse SSH using the pwnie user account.
- Next, type
sudo su
and press Enter, then re-type the password to become superuser. - Next, type
and press Enter to verify the sensor is capable of connectivity to the Internet and acquiring updates. Assuming it is, typepx-system-update
and press Enter to update the sensor. - From a different system, go to
and download the “Linux 64-Bit” installation package of Rapid7 NeXpose. Afterwards transfer the installation package to the Pwn Pro using a USB stick, SCP, WinSCP, or other file transfer method(s). - After the update has completed and you are returned to a # prompt, change directories to where the installation package is located, then type
chmod +x NeXposeSetup-Linux64.bin
and press Enter to change permissions of the file and make it executable. - Next, type
./NeXposeSetup-Linux64.bin –c
and press Enter to begin the process of installation on the Pwn Pro. - Upon completion of the installation process, from a different system, open a web browser and go to
Where x.x.x.x is the IP address assigned to the Pwn Pro sensor - Once connected to the NeXpose UI, login using the account specified during installation, then proceed to configure as desired.
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