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Chapter 05: Pulse Administration and User Management

Pulse Administration and User Management

Access Controls

There are two types of Pulse user accounts – Admin and Tester. These roles have the following permissions:


Pulse Function



View Threats & Alerts
View Asset Data
Export CSV Data
View Risk Scorecard
View Daily Reports
Manage Sensor Services
Schedule Tasks
Manage Alerts
Add/Remove Users
Reset Two Factor Authentication
Approve New Sensors
Deregister Sensors
Create / Edit Scripts
View User Audit Logs
Set Access Point Policies
Manage Threat Severity

Creating New Users

To create a new user:

  1. Log in as an Admin.
  2. Select Tools > Users.
  3. Click Invite User.
  4. Select a role for the new user (Admin or Tester).
  5. Enter First and Last Name and an Email address.

An invitation to establish credentials is automatically sent to the specified Email address. The Email address entered is used as the Username for login, and is case sensitive.

The invitation has a 72-hour expiration. Until the user accepts it, the invitation can be revoked by clicking Revoke. If the invitation expires, the user can resend it by clicking Resend.

Password Reset/Change

A user can reset their own password (for example, if forgotten) by clicking Forgot Password on the login screen and entering their account Email address. A message is sent with a link to reset the password.

While logged in, a user can access their profile to change their password by clicking the Welcome, Username link on the upper toolbar. Under Your Profile, a user must enter their current password, and then enter the new password twice.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication, using the Google Authenticator application can be enabled for all user accounts. This is requested during the Pulse on-boarding process by selecting the Two-Factor option when submitting the Launch Guide:

Two-Factor Authentication

For customers that already have an existing Pulse account, contact the support to request Two-Factor Authentication to be enabled.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Once two-factor authentication has been enabled, it will need to be configured on a per user account basis.

Set Up Two-factor Authentication

To set up two-factor authentication for a user:

  1. Open a browser session to Pulse.
  2. Click the Not Registered? button located to the right of the Two-Factor Authentication heading.
  3. Input the username and password for the account. Upon successful authentication, follow the onscreen instructions for adding a new token to the Google Authenticator App.


For help with installing and using the Google Authenticator App on your mobile device, please see:

Once two-factor authentication has been confirmed for a user account, it will be required to be used to login.

Reset Two-factor Authentication

To reset two-factor authentication for a user:

In the event a user loses access to their Google Authenticator App, individual user account’s two-factor authentication can be reset by an Admin User as follows:

  1. Login to Pulse as an Admin User.
  2. Click the Tools drop down menu in the upper right corner and select Users.
  3.  From the list of users, locate the account that needs whose two-factor needs to be reset and click the Reset Two-factor button.

Reset Two-factor

The user will then need to go through the process outlined above for setting up a new two-factor token on their mobile device.

Time Zones

By default, Pulse reports in UTC Time Zone. To change this, go to the Your Profile page by clicking the Welcome, Username link on the upper toolbar. Select a new time zone from the drop-down list.

Audit Logs

User accountability is ensured using user Audits. User actions are logged and available for view under the Tools menu through the Audits tab.


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