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API Examples

In an ongoing effort to provide our customers the best experience using the Outpost24 solutions, we are providing all of our users with samples and examples for how to use the Legacy XML API and newer REST API supported by the Outscan and HIAB platforms. 

This is a public repository with free and open source code so it is provided free-of-charge using the Outpost24 open source license.

Links to the first repositories can be found below, and further will be made available at as we build and receive input going forward:

In these repos there are sample scripts written in Bash, Python, and Powershell. In addition we provide sample guidance for how to use various API endpoints in a DOCX. 

Finally, there is a Jira Integration built to support Jira Server and Jira Cloud for continuous improvement in the SDLC using the premier AppSec solution SWAT. 

All of these projects will continue to receive updates so make sure to set a bookmark!

Contributions from the community are both welcome and encouraged.

If you would like to participate and/or share your own code with the Outpost24 community, please reach out to or send a message to


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